Anyone else watching the prez debate?

I remember when I used to throw a fit whenever people disagreed with me or proved me wrong

Primary was a fun year

Anyway, I’m not american, so don’t worry I can’t hurt your feelings a vote

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Go read his policies, then read Boe Jidens I’m sure you can form your own opinions. He’s an arrogant dude but that doesn’t make anything he does less credible

That’s what I thought.

Muting this thread now, just people angry at this point lmao

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Yes I’m sure you “thought” anything that wasn’t fed to you by cnn

Is that what Fox told you? lmao I don’t watch any of that trash.

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Oh right you probably got it from /r/politics I mean /r/trumphate247

I’ve only ever been on r/wow and it was bad enough.

I’m sorry you’re mad at me for not liking the worst president in U.S. history.

Really muting this thread now, it’s totally useless.


it was oddly a good real debate…

Best president by far btw and the numbers show

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this is partly why politics ruin everything…

Way better than the last one. This was an actual debate for once, so props to everyone involved in making that happen.

I’ve been on the fence, and for awhile now the only thing people have told me against Biden is he’s too incoherent and mentally drained to do this.

But these last two debates have completely shot down those claims. And you can tell Republicans know this tactic has failed, as they’ve stopped saying it.

No. The debate won’t change my mind on who I vote for. Saved myself 2 hours as well.

You realize that you haven’t picked your own candidates for more than 120 years. Oligarchy picks them for you, and you vote - thinking you are making a wise choice. It’s not rigged… it’s RIGID.

Australian here

If a PM pulled the kind of nonsense your president pulls, we’d throw him directly into a garbage can. Not the first time we’ve done it (hell I think the UK’s ending up with some of our cast offs, good luck with that, mates, we got rid of him for a reason)

You guys need your system sorted out, its a bloody joke


Also I don’t know why Trump keeps bringing up Hunter Biden. I don’t care, most of the people I talk to about politics don’t care.

It seems like this is a very desperate attempt to have another hilary email situation that I just don’t really think is working.

Hunter isn’t running for President. I don’t care what dirt he has.


The numbers show Obama era policy trends carrying over into the current institution. He somehow likes to discredit obama while taking credit for obama’s successes at the same time :thinking:

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Nope & I don’t really care. Doesn’t matter who wins nothing is going to change otherwise the ghetto I grew up in as a child wouldn’t have gotten worse of the years.

There’s a debate?

Indeed it is.

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Your system is regulated by our system. We have states with more people than your country + NZ combined. No one cares what you say