Anyone else switching mains to hunter

with the Sylvanas loot table revealed. A new bow and the first quiver since wrath. (Not counting the 2 in 1 combo from legion) I love my DK but im kinda burned out on her I haven’t returned to her since I started leveling alts

As someone who mains a hunter this tier, you’re setting yourself for massive levels of disappointment when the class itself sucks at doing damage after the 9.0.5 nerfs and is going to get outscaled like crazy in 9.1 unless it receives some big changes.

Oh, and let’s not forget the important detail: you need to actually get the bow and quiver first. That means beating/killing Sylvanas and getting each of those pieces to drop and winning each of those pieces.


I’m one of those “Maybe I’ll be able to get it in two expansions” kind of people :stuck_out_tongue:


LOL nope! That bow will be obsolete the end of the expansion and the neat arrow won’t work for transmog, so I think it’s a waste! It also looks bad compared to Legion artifacts, imo! :sob:

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Hunters will have a spike for sure.

Off topic. OP how have you had that name so long?


Absolutely not. Hunters are boring.

The only fun Hunter spec is Survival and everyone hates on them to an extreme degree.

So, no, no way in heckfire.

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Awww, sorry you feel that way. It’s all subjective of course. I’ve tried all classes and hunter is the only one I’ve really connected with. I stick with my hunters (one Orc and this NE) even when they have been nerfed into the ground. I find the class to be very fun.

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I like my hunter but he already has his best mog he will ever have, which is the Dwarf heritage armor and the Blunderbuss of Khaz Modan. I mainly use him as an extra alt for pet battle WQ’s and am slowly but surely collecting companions for him. Hunters are just not fun enough for me to main and play through any kind of end-game content. Plus most mail armor is just… not good. Somehow consistently the worst armor design every time across all armor types.


Please don’t. We have enough bad hunters giving us good hunters a bad name. Wait until 11.0 then farm your sylvannas bow please.


i tried to level my hunter alt, but its just insanely painful without flying for 4th character, makes me physically sick. Maybe later

I’m waiting to see the bow. Not so sure it will be “the bow”. She’s already switched armor. I’m thinking it will be a bow that matches. However if it’s the bow, yeah I’m going to leave my hunter.

No… The only haven’t even leveled my hunter alt to 50 yet. Though, I do like the new survival spec (unpopular opinion). I figure with the outcry against survival that it will eventually get changed so why bother getting into the spec. Same thing happened when I started playing Combat rogue.

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what even happened with bow she had before she got that skeletal bow?

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I was wondering the same thing. Also remember in Cata, Echo of Sylvanas dropped Windrunner’s Bow and it was not the one she was using.

The bow’s effect looks neat. Anything that can help my aoe sounds good.

Feign death all day, we throw hunters in the river,
You will pass away, even with that quiver,
A new bow with no arrow, better keep warmode shallow,
There is no tomorrow, hunter, only shadow…


No i don’t chase specs

Well said

Not a fan of poetry and even less a fan of people wanting to drown me, but very well said


I am, but not sure of MM or BM. Almost 50. Tired of melee. SL feels range class friendlier

What does ‘switching Mains’ mean?

I still play the same one since Vanilla.