imo it’s preferable (especially with trinity and no radiance in favor of even more dam) if you’re playing a comp where there’s a better kick target on your team AND you’re going against a comp that won’t control you for a significant portion of the game
it can even heal through aff with just shield/atonement if you’re mostly safe from kicks
okay cool thats what i was thinking as well, ty. Pretty sweet theres multiple viable things to do between both hero trees and they’re both fun too.
Specifically talking about the build above in the OP and Archangel + Trinity + Inner Shadow pretty much must have talents. I will be swapping talents + spec trees for different match-ups but I’m specifically talking about the no radiance build above played with those talents.
I think thats what you want to happen alot, get kicked shadow and do a 30% crit uppises with Trinity. Keep in mind that one mindbender/void shadowfiend + mind blast into dawk reprimand practically tops anything and it’s way easier to reset this combo with the fast cast void bolts. I’ve had atonement do 50% of my healing in a few wargames.
I also think it’s very interesting to try playing this with an augmention evoker. It’s weird because the Augementation slows down the game for you to do damage but the dmage you contribute to the kill really helps patch up the Augs lower damage - also having double leap really is nice vs some of the harder things like DK & Frost mage. I kinda want to try playing Voidreaver with a frostmage or DK and Augmention.
I’ve been testing the trinity/archangel/inner shadow build today and its pretty insane for sure. I have finished 3 minute games doing 220k dps and I just started practicing the build so not even used to it yet. Good cooking tho, i really haven’t seen this around much but Fluent obviously knew about it so I guess its around.
As for Ult pen, yeah that makes sense, it still does less damage than if you were to go oracle (oracle talent buffs penance a lot which buffs ult pen) but still good. Can def use it if you get locked, but you are limited with what you can use outside of that if you do get locked or cced with voidwraith up as opposed to having radiance. Thats the risk of the build though and its a really fun tradeoff imo.
I think as Fluent said this seems preferable if you are not the main kick target or aren’t vsing a comp with a lot of stops, ie I would not play this into r/m/x they can stop just about every combo you have and then you get into deep damp and would fall behind, but vs something like war/ret or hunter/ret or jungle I’d play this, esp if I were playing shadowcleave or something like that. I’m not nearly good enough with the build to really be able to tell fully though what I’d use it against outside of those.
Also this build has infinite mana its actually insane. 5 minute wargame I restored over 1m mana and that was with semi optimal spinning for voidwraith.
it hasn’t hit the masses yet but it will, especially since disc is such a popular 2s spec. it’s not on the same tier as pre-nerf expiation bug disc in df but it’s definitely very strong
yeah if you get an optimal matchup you will literally finish with 100% mana; it ends up becoming a mana race for the other healer especially since it’s pumping so much damage
I saw Hydra playing it and he had a number of games where he was literally top damage in the arena in long games where he wasn’t getting covered
Yeah its wild if you don’t get targeted with interrupts and its a comp that cant really get to you freely to cc you do ridiculous damage and get Voidwraith up super fast from free casting void blast the entire time rift is up, no interrupted reprimands are insane too.
Vs any comp thats highly mobile with a lot of cc ie r/m/x I think this wouldn’t be great (i could still be wrong i defer to you on that one but I didnt like it into that comp) or even a wizard cleave like mage/lock it could be rough but outside of those I haven’t found too much I didnt like it into.
the one exception is gonna be if you’re playing double wizards and particularly mage/lock because they won’t even have a chance to land the CC on you with how far back you’ll be playing (except for rogue/anything because a rogue will always find cc on you)
That makes sense yeah, I was thinking that today after playing shadowcleave and some jungle. Shadow cleave owns hard though but I could see double caster really enabling this kinda build.
Also you said this would be popular in 2s I think but does this work in 2s since Trinity requires atonement on 3 minimum? Or do you just not take trinity here since you can blast anyway? not a big 2s guy so idk.
yeah you skip out on trinity but you could play it with a hunter or lock if you don’t forget about the pet
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