Anyone else hope we get the Sylvanas mog for February’s Trading Post?

It was datamined back in September on wowhead, and it now has icons attached on the 10.2.5 PTR. But I’m very excited to see if we get it on the Trading Post if it’s a possibility! :bow_and_arrow::black_heart::bat:

They seem to be going a lot more themed this year, with January being almost all orange/sand stuff, so I would expect most of next month’s TP to be the bevy of pink cosmetics we’ve seen datamined.

I guess it could be the monthly reward, but I personally don’t expect to see it until later.

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I would like to agree but in December we got a white and pink moose pet, which has nothing to do with the holidays in that month (that I know of.)


Ugh, it’s hideous.

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I mean, moose live where it’s cold, and winter is cold? Idk lol, that one was odd.

I guess we’ll see. It’s Year Two now so they’re bound to try different things.

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Oh. Good thing for you that february’s trading post items were datamined already. :mag::robot:

I thought you were my friend. Why do you do this to me?

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Based my fem panda would look wonderful


God I’m so excited for those. I hope they’re all being added somewhere, that purple would be absolute aces for shadow.


Omg I didn’t know it came in more than one color until you said something.

I want all the colors!

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Huh, I just noticed the pointy bits on the toe of the shoes. Love Witch is going to curb stomp some people with those.


Oh yeah, and the mog set is priced at 999 which means it’s basically guaranteed to be the monthly “fill the bar” reward. Sorry OP, I don’t think the Sylvanas cosplay is coming next month.


Gawd I hope so. I want the blue and white version for my priest.

I wish January would hurry up and go away.

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Well, my concern is that we’ll only get the pink and white one and the others rot in the game files forever like so many other alternate tints they’ve made (looking at you, lightforged heritage armors).

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Nope. I hope we get more silly pink stuff for Valentine’s Day.


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It’s no more hideous than a Vulpera wearing a Warden costume. To name only one example. :person_shrugging:

While I’m all for more freedom in this game, some things will just always be ridiculous.

Yeah I can’t agree. A vulpera wearing the nelf set is cute and hilarious.

Nobody wants to see Arnold dressed up as a pink court jester, complete with thigh-high stockings.

Hey, speak for yourself, John Cena pulled it off recently


If you go by that… the male human model generally looks terrible. Almost nothing suits them well. :sweat_smile:

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