Anyone else having trouble finding Feral Druids and Shadow Priests?

You guys are extremely rare - I’d say the rarest spec combo out there. With that said, you need a guild? Our tank group is 2 Warriors and 1 Feral OT - so you’d be the only bear.

Well, feral dps is ok, the problem with tanking is that eats up a LOT of MP keeping a druid tank up when a lot of the gear for them isn’t so great for it at that stage. They just don’t have great gear to accomodate bear tanking. From what I recall of Vanilla, get smacked far harder and basically turn into a manasponge. With limited mana regen items and such in the first release, that turns into some unpleasant raid situations.


If you’re on Herod I’m rolling a dwarf shadow priest if you need one!

what server you guys planning to be on?

Are you surprised? With the amount of hate some classes are getting from the minmax forum lords I’ll be extremely surprised if we see more than 5 druids/prot pallys per realm.
They’re literally scaring people off some classes.


Awwwww maaaan, I’m on Pagle

Heck yeah, it’s essential to planning and good leaders plan. I want to go into launch day with as much of our core complete at possible :ok_hand:

Pagle - the server is full of min/max PvE types, so we decided it was best for us. Here’s a link to our public recruit page Ravinar: [A] <Unity> | Pagle | Semi-Hardcore | Tu/Th +Sun 8-10PM EST

The community on these forums has been discouraging people from playing them over the last year or so.


All this talk about raid composition before launch has got me not wanting to bother with Classic, to be honest.

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This sort of thing only applies to the more serious guilds that want to get ahead of the curve and go into the game with a group of like-minded people. Don’t let it dissuade your interest in Classic, the game is amazing.


This is exactly what I’ll be doing, a 0/31/20 (or maybe 1/31/19 and PvP) for a feral OT / resto hybrid.

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I’m also planning on having a Dwarf Shadow Priest as my backup.

I know my limitations on both, and if I get into a progression raiding guild, I have no problem respeccing priest to healing + shadow weaving.

But my druid is staying feral / resto hybrid. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Raided in Vanilla with it, will do the same in Classic. Healing gear for fights when needed, tanking gear for other fights. That’s the strong point of being a druid.

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One word rebuttal to the community: Skarm.

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Fairbanks Alliance PVP Feral OT here :slight_smile:

There needs to be more raiders like you, flexible with being a hybrid. You need a guild btw, hehe?

I’m already set up, and I’m on Myzrael anyways :slight_smile:

I’m going to go with a 0/30/21 because NS is invaluable, especially on a PVP server!


I played this spec in Vanilla as well because it was really flexible for PvE and for PvP. Unfortunately, though, it wasn’t as effective in Naxx. Though I guess it depends on which hybrid style you went with.

I think I was 0/30/21, and missing those later healing talents in the resto tier definitely hurt. Hell of a fun spec to play though :smiley:

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The good ones are always taken!! :broken_heart:

Yea, once you get to Naxx/AQ, you do notice the healing loss. Up until then it does well. I went WAY overboard with consumables and was viable. Not great, but viable.

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Do you need either of those classes though? I understand letting them in, but actively looking for them?