Anyone else having a blast with shaman now?

This is the most fun ive had / most ive liked shaman in a LONG time.

I have always liked the fantasy behind shaman more than any other in the game too and now i feel so strong and mighty.

It has always felt like shaman were under powered for a good decade now.
And shaman have always been the least played class in bgs, and in general really. I always stand out as the guilds shaman or one of the couple lol.

I am seeing more and more of us now,

Pointless post im just happy


Shaman has always been an end of expansion class. Hopefully they’ll finally let’s us compete the entire expansion

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I main resto and it’s honestly awful. It brings a lot of utility and has a bloated kit, but half of the stuff in the tree is extremely niche so you sit on abilities that you don’t feel you really need but there’s nothing better to choose from.

And on the other side you are forced to picked abilities that feel like it should be a part of shamans base kit which takes up talent points that could be used else where or talents that just need to be replaced.

Positive notes, it feels great on mana management and impactful on stacked healing, but other than that it is extremely underwhelming compared to other classes.

Honestly if they would take some of the shaman talents and apply it to their base kit and replace them with talents that will be useful in most content, the class would feel a lot better. (At least in terms of resto)

I feel like shamans often get shafted because they are great for bringing utility, but as far as resto and ele go, their overall power seems insignificant.

I have no comments on enh, as I don’t play that spec.


i hardly play resto but i will admit, resto has always been a boring healing class.
i love healing too, and its my main spec on all heal classes except shaman which is a shame since shaman is my overall main.

so i can understand that. but enhance is hitting me EASY top of dps charts in every pve instance, and ele is making arenas actually winnable. i havent been able to win in arenas on shaman ever! lol.

its so nice to finally be climbing the ranks

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Gratz! I admit I don’t play the dps portion of the class a ton, but from what I’ve briefly played so far ele is pretty meh. I just wish abilities like Wind Shear and Hex would be baseline and replaced with talents that either reduce cooldowns of abilities or just add in a flat stat increase.

Shamans are known for their totems and it just seems odd that I’m forced to talent into some of them. (Such as healing totem) There is definitely room for improvement.

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The only change I want is for LotFW to go back to proc’ing on 5 MSW stacks instead of 10.

i mained mine for over 10 years, but i completely shelved her early at the start of SL. decided to log on her today and set up the trees and go from there. i was having a blast with ele, and was still a top healer in the lfr wings i ran.

i’m seriously thinking of maining her again over my mw monk now…

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I feel the opposite shaman shadowlands s1 was easily the best it was the entire expansion. S4 was decent too true but s1 meatballs obliterated top rated players.

It looks really good again s1 glad I can play it again.

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I love It. I especially love ascendance elemental builds. I wish the form were updated though. I also like the build that improves mastery and extends it to earth shock elemental blast and earthquake.


RiP Harvest Vespyr and Fae. Never forget.

As someone who has played Rsham almost exclusively at a CE/HoF level for the last 6 tiers, I can already tell this is going to be one of my least favorite tiers as an Rsham.

This is exclusively because of the general Shaman tree. More specifically, because of how all of our formerly baseline utility abilities now cost talent points. (Wind Shear, Tremor, Cap Totem, Purge, Decurse, Frost Shock (big for pvp as you have to take chain lightning to get it…) etc…)

This means you’ll need to be making constant decisions between optimizing for throughput or utility for every single bit of content. You’ll be asking yourself questions like: “There is one mob in the dungeon that has a curse, do I really need to be spending that talent point on decurse?” PvP is even worse. For instance, you’ll end up needing to change your build for every single round of Solo Shuffle. From a distance, you might not see a problem, but not having the tool you used to have and needing to come up with a new build on the fly to reacquire it gets old very fast.

You’ll also need to be asking yourself what to do with your action bars when you aren’t talented into any of those abilities. In my case, Wind Shear takes up a permanent spot on my action bars even when I’m not talented into it, because its been hardcoded into my brain thanks to years of actually using it. Same goes for all of the other utility abilities I mentioned earlier.

After playing with these talent changes for a few weeks, I think the design choices surrounding making our baseline utility abilities into talents, as well as the “optional choice” approach to the general tree’s layout makes the talent changes a slight downgrade from what we have now in SL. We have to spend so many talent points just to get back to where we were, and what we’ve gained otherwise isn’t enough to make up for it.


welcome back! i left my sham for mw monk in bfa and into sl but now im back and happy

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Yea resto is extremely underwhelming. Spec tree is one of the worst I’ve seen, same exact cooldowns and rotation you’ve been doing for years.

Especially the bottom of the tree is just pathetic. Extremely sparse on choices, with tons of 2 pointer weak talent bloat. 4 points dedicated to Primordial Wave is insulting. Lamest covenant of all imo instead of kyrian totem or at least venthyr chain harvest which at least did pog damage. Bare minimum you should be able to use Primordial Wave on lava burst (like ele) in addition to healing wave so you can have some fun with damage too. And it should not cost 4 damn points to still be weaker than the SL version… Many other specs get a fully powered covenant ability in just 2 points max.

I can’t believe Wellspring, Deeply Rooted leggo and Downpour are capstones in the bottom. Barely even taken in past expansions, who is exciting to build your tree torwards those…? I like Hightide but it also is underwhelming to be a capstone. Improved Earthliving, Nature’s Focus, Improved Primordial, Undercurrent are also vastly undertuned to be in the bottom tier compared to other healer specs. No tier set carried over and nothing new or exciting to Resto in the bottom tier at all.

Meanwhile you look at like resto druid spec tree and it feels like they get to use like 5 legendaries plus their 2 best covenants plus their shadowlands tier set plus some new stuff at the same time, it’s insane power up. The bottom tier of their tree is insane compared to ours, like literally twice as many talents and most are amazing 1 pointers. They also only have to spend 2 points each to get their BEST covenant abilities (adaptive swarm, convoke) to get them fully powered up where as we have to spend 4 points on our lamest covenant. Like wth? Resto shaman has basically stayed the same in terms of output (gained some mobility and what not from the class tree) while other specs have grown in power substantially, leaving resto shaman in the dust.

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Kind of like Elemental Shaman, it’s been left behind on defenses and the offense it brings while great can’t make up for it being able to be ran down endlessly in pvp with no help.

Bring back Glyph of Ascendance


I came here to make this same post. I’m still not capped but I hope it stays this fun. I usually make the wrong choice for my main every expansion and then end up back on my shaman after a few weeks, this time I went straight to shaman and hope it wasn’t a bad choice.

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same, same, and same lol

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Shaman is great unless you are trying to fight dh/sp 1v1 that has their monitor on.

Outside of that its pretty darn fun

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You aint lying. All I’ve been running into while questing are DHs. You somehow die with the DH only pressing like 3 or so buttons. It’s insane.

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I just wish Resto had some DPS availability.

Running old content and having Chain Lightning capped at 3 targets makes some raids take forever and bug out.

Is Elemental better at the AOE potential?