Any stalagg guilds?

Any stalagg guilds forming? This server will be full by launch time. Honestly confused why more people have not switched over yet cause reading the forums you know Herod is going to be way overpopulated and have huge queues.

Just wondering about stalagg guilds cause that’s probably where I’ll be rolling. Horde priest focus on pvp and raiding to get gear to pvp. HMU

Hi Sekc! Fifteen Years Later is now on Stalagg, we are a horde semi-casual guild mostly made up of college/grad students. We are a fun and chill group looking to raid, wPvP and BG. Our schedule is Tuesday/Friday 9pm-12am EST. Let me know if you have any questions!
Discord: zelada#3619, bnet: Zelada16#1915

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Was on Stalagg for Beta…But now going Grobbulus. Feel free to cime check us out and chill in discord pre launch to see if we might be up your ally.

Hey, our guild decided to move drop herod and move to Stalagg in favor a better experience when transitioning into phase 2. If you are interested in grouping, raiding and pvping with a team of fun, but semi-hardcore leadership, then may be for you! Read over our short blurb and if it sounds interesting, please reach out.

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