Any social/casual guilds out there?

Tryin to find me a casual/social guild who sometimes raids/sometimes does keys :slight_smile: nothing hardcore, just a place to be yourself and chill out!

I think you might be a great candidate for my clan. We are called “The Brotherhood Gaming”, if you want to look us up in-game. You’re also free to message me on discord, at Byron Cavendish#0078, if you have any questions for me.

We are a social community first and foremost, and we play for fun, so we’re not going to harass you about your build or choices.

Have a great day, and I hope you’ll consider us!

Our guild, BlackLotus-Dalaran, is a casual/social guild that raids twice a week(Monday and Wednesday from 8:30-10:30 EST) and do keys whenever we get the chance to. Our main goal is to get AOTC for everyone involved by the end. If that sounds like fun to you, let me know either on BNET (Mentosbomber#1858) or on discord (a dancing baby#0573).

Hope to hear from you!

Hi Tarenda,

It sounds like you’re looking for an environment like ours! Check us out sometime and reach out if you’re interested. :slight_smile:

Our guild, Companions, has suceeded in creating an environment where no one is an elitist jerk, and where everyone has a niche group to be part of. You like pvp & bgs - we do that on Thursday; you like casual raiding - we do that on Friday & Saturday; you like running M+ - we do that everyday and have an abundance of tank & heals (literally, it’s good to have on off-spec in our guild); you like to post stupid pictures and just joke around while you run achievements and get xmogs - welcome to our discord channel; you like to do CE/AOTC focused progression raiding - we have a new team for that on Tues & Wed now too. You like to be a donk, be mean, short-tempered, elitist or rude - you’ll probably end up /gquitting in about a week - no one has any interest in socializing with that.

If you’re interested in more information or a trial run please message us.
In game: Gracyn#11617
Discord: Gracyn#8603 or Reyloss#5203

Hey there! Sounds like you might be a good fit for our outfit!

< Unions Only > [Zul’Jin - Horde] is a recently formed guild of former AoTC / CE raiders from years past who came back for Shadowlands. Many of us have raided together for years, dating back to ICC. We are all working class adults and college students who just want to do some light raiding to mix into the Mythic+ runs throughout the week. We are a very active and laidback group, always hanging out/chatting in Discord while we do content together.

Raid night is Wednesdays 7PM - 10PM EST with a hard stop at 10.
Current progression: 6/10N CN

Add me wherever is convenient to chat:
Btag: ishkurr#1649
Discord: ishkurr#4941