Any players from Colorado?

I started in 2006 when I lived in Broomfield as well. Miss the weather up there, dearly. Hot and humid af down south… :frowning:

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Yep in the Baker neighborhood of Denver! Moved to VA for a bit but just couldn’t stay away.

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Boulder, most likely gunna be on Incendius!

Anyone playing on mankirk for horde can add me in game, name will be mortabius troll shami

Grand Junction atm. Boston bound again soon though :smiley:

Colorado Springs! Playing on Whitemane hopefully… We’ll see about the queues…

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I used to live in Longmont, in Alaska now.

Go Broncos!


I played World of Warcraft from beautiful Colorado from 2006 until 2018, before moving to Oregon. Colorado is truly an extraordinary place to live, and I cannot wait to move back!

Go Broncos!!

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Longmont bump!

hell yeah go longmont lol

Lakewood here.

I’m from India not very close sir

Moved away, but definitely miss it. Two things the most - The Post fried chicken with green chili mac n cheese, and Front Range Brewing’s Blonde Stout - best beer ever.

Boulder here!