Any Paladin/Light fanatic/Crusader themed guilds?

Hi all,

I was wondering if there were any active Paladan/Light fanatic/Crusader/ Scarlet themed guilds here? Especially ones that pvp/pve

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Oh man, do we ever.


Not sure if they PvE tho.

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if by pvp do you mean RP-PVP or literal /duel pvp… theres a lot of scarlet guilds though…

Well, it isn’t Scarlet Crusade themed. But the Caelestis Templares might be up your alley. They are very much a Religious Zeal/fanatic type of guild. Just minus the Scarlet’s human-centrist behavior

Actual pvp. Either campaigns, wpvp, casual etc. Not much into /roll pvp

The Thunder God has no need for a guild. He is a one-man guild.

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HMP Detection software launched

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What are SCARLET CRUSADE GUILDS for 150 Alex!

Gimme a moment I can give you a decent one that at least I’ve ran into.

One was… I think literally called The Scarlet Crusade? They’ve been around on this realm for numerous years and Aesa wanted to be their Dreadlady at one time. Not sure how that worked out. Kinda jealous though if it did.


10 characters

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I expected a worse response from you honestly. I’m disappoint,

Fanatical Light Guilds that seems to be alive so far off the top of my head: Your mileage may vary please be warned. Also I think none of them actually do heavy PvE or pure guild PvP.

The Crimson Crucible
Scarlet guild. Fanatical but politically smart enough to stay out of trouble. NOT redemptionist, but won’t go attack random dark things in SW willy nilly. Can walk around in SW with minor aggro. RPs with Stormwind.

Army of the Truthful
Scarlet. EXTREMELY fanatical, but so off off the traditional Scarlet beaten path they’re pretty much their own sect. Also, extreme Stormwind villain guild, you can’t be an open Truthful in SW without somebody dogpiling you.

Crimson Revelation
Scarlet. REDEMPTIONIST. Fanatically Light in their on guild campaigns but several notches looser when it comes to recruitment. When in Stormwind they play nice and don’t do dumb things. Can walk around in SW with minor aggro. Don’t usually come by Stormwind to RP.

Scions of Mereldar
NOT Scarlet. Still strictly Light and fanatical in their own way. More along the lines of oldschool super conservative knight order of chivalry and… Knighty-Holy strictness. Walks around SW with no negative aggro.

Caelaetis Templares
NOT Scarlet, Not traditional ‘WoW-Light’ either. EXTREMELY fanatically religious and their guild fanon is heavily 40k inspired where its pretty much their own world.


Ah yes this was the guild I was trying to recall. Thank you Adamantt. I remember years ago a few times when The Equalists. Another fanatic group were targetting Magic Users and Casters. I ran into the Leader once and broke smelling salts to wake up the passed out man. He instantly woke up and ran for the hills.

Granted he was in a different profile but still wasn’t a bad experience.

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Thank you all for the replies! I’ve phased into mg a few times and really love the walk-up in SW. Does anyone know if any of the mentioned guilds pvp or do pve content? They all sound amazing

I wouldn’t say we’re not WoW-Light. While our tenets are not the same as the ones practiced by the Lore, the Light itself isn’t beholden to any single set of teachings. I would say that our way of doing things is just different.


GM of Caelestis Templares here. Though we don’t focus on PvE or PvP, we do do encourage it and we reward members that do it. We’re not Scarlet themed, but we are a Paladin-centric, Light fanatic, Crusader themed guild.

Our Light -is- traditional ‘WoW-Light,’ our guild just views it differently than most other Light based guilds. Our guild was inspired by a Warhammer 40k legion but our guild’s fannon is not so influenced that it’s our own little world. Our guild’s lore can fit quite comfortably in WoW lore without breaking anything.


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The Planet broke before the people did.
