I really like this profession combo for some reason. In my mind it represents a character that’s out there exploring and learning about the world. They’re more inclined to study the geology and biology that makes up Azeroth, rather than spend time in a workshop or laboratory creating things. You could even add history into the mix, as they can do Archaeology as well. IMO Mining should have some ties to that secondary profession for that reason.
The only downside is that we don’t get too many cool perks like other professions do. Alas Herbs and Mining didn’t even get any cool epic questlines in BfA like other professions did.
Anyone else feel the same way?
I sort of feel that the benefit of gathering professions is the potential income they can generate for a character.
They did have perks at one time, but the perks were either too good, or completely pointless. The medium there ended up being no perks at all, I guess.
All 50 of my alts have mining and herb gathering as their professions.
For a gatherer I’ve sometimes had herbalism/skinning or mining/skining, especially for a character without ready funds.
I should have clarified. By perks I don’t really mean pure stat increases. And you are correct, back in the day from a min/max standpoint Herbs and Mining would have been the worst choices. Stamina and a short heal. Everyone was JC/BSing for that reason. I don’t particularly miss those kind of perks.
What I mean is just having fun stuff you can do out in the world like other professions can do with their questlines. Enchanters can animate dead golems. Tailoring skill putting together cloth somehow translates into weaving the literal fabric of time somehow in BfA. xD
IMO, what would be cool is to let miners dig their way through secret passages out in the world, maybe to find some cool treasure and whatnot. Herbalists could do things like the Carnivorous Lasher in Nazjatar, but exclusive to them. Things like that.
My 1st Main is an Alchemist/Herbalism, while my 2nd Main is an Engineer/Miner. The majority of my Alts fall into the Herbalism/Mining slots in order to funnel supplies to my mains; some mix it up with the occasional Skinning skill for a niche market.
I burned out on professions by Wotlk… finally killed the last one in Legion. Now I am FREEEEE! Some xpacs there’s very good gold in gathering only. No regrets.
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I am admittedly looking forward to Shadowlands. Might spend the first couple weeks doing nothing but gathering and banking out on that. xD
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