Any Other Gay WoW Players or Guilds Out There?

Thanks for the tip! I already am speaking with a couple LGBTQ guild recruiters. Looks like I have found what I was looking for. :smiley:

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Not I, but I wish you luck finding what you are looking for.

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Guilds or groups that revolve around identity generally turn toxic and members turn on each other and generally implode rather quickly. I was a GM of a guild that accepted the alphabet soup of acronyms and they first went after me and claimed that my fiance and I weren’t progressive enough so we passed GM to those people.

They then started turning on each other for some reason. It was the oddest thing we’ve ever saw. I don’t think building the foundation of a guild on identity politics is a good idea and maybe you should just accept people for who they are and not try to exclude others from being around you so you have a well balanced viewpoint instead of an echo chamber of reaffirming biases.

I say this because I truly believe it and have seen it play out in multiple guilds and online forums. Either way best of luck finding what it is you’re looking for. :slight_smile:


There really is nothing magical that happens when you join a LGBT guild. It’s better to join a guild with open-minded, relatively mature adults that actually are friendly than make LGBT your focus.

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As a straight person I couldn’t really say, but, I have heard that Proudmoore is the defacto LGBTQ server of WoW. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

Go into the wow community finder and type in Gay, there’s lot of “Gaymer” communities there. I’ve never been in them though so I don’t know what they are like.

Proudmoore is generally still considered an LGBT friendly server. It’s a good community in general, I’d say.

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Go away troll.

I’m not friendly to obvious ones.

I saw the sarcasm of Annastasi’s post from a mile away. How’d you miss it?

Red hat? What could you be talking about? :thinking:

I’d imagine he’s talking about the big bad MAGA hat, the same hat the left tried to ruin a kid’s life over and he counter sued and won his case and now that left is paying up for spreading hate towards him for simply wearing the hat and smiling.


Me? I’m bi…

You’d probably have better luck on Reddit than here.

These forums are one exit ramp away from a 4chan board.


Yep. I knew he was referring to a MAGA hat. It was pretty sh#tty what some people tried to do to those Covington kids. Even after the whole video came out, people still insisted the kid, Nicolas Sandman I believe his name is, instigated the whole thing. But he’s getting paid. I heard CNN recently settled with him.

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They are forced to settle, he threatened to completely dismantle them for being a media outlet to spread hate.

It’s was either get completely removed from existence, or pay up a hefty fine.

He had an incredible lawyer.

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Don’t think anyone should be hounded for wearing an article of clothing.

Though I do find peoples rampant obsession with plastering their glorious leaders name and messages all over themselves pretty worrying. It’s a presidential race, not a cult.

Good god, take it to Twitter people.

The question was answered. Go argue about your nonsense elsewhere.

I agree. I think it’s Bizarre. I’ve never worn or will I even any kind of article of clothing that endorses a politician. However, this isn’t anything new. This has been going on for awhile. Member “Hope and Change” everywhere. I member. And do you member Chewbacca?

Oh god, the amount of people coming into this thread claiming they are being oppressed because gay people want to be in a community away from homophobes is hilarious.


It doesn’t surprise me that Proudmoore would have a large portion of the LGB players, while the name clearly references Jaina Proudmoore and her family the ‘Proud’ portion is also a variation of ‘Pride’, so it makes sense that many gay players would select that one due to Gay Pride. Congrats on finding what you were looking for OP, I hope you have a great experience there!

Fun fact about me: while I personally am straight my father is gay, and I am very proud of him for having the courage to be open about it.

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