Well, Plunderstorm will happen again early next year. If they follow the same trend it won’t be for awhile.
I can’t be sure but it’s fairly likely that they meant the garrison system as a whole shouldn’t have been abandoned, not that particular physical location for it.
I didn’t actually expect anything to happen too soon. It would probably be another end of expansion time filler. I was just hoping anyone heard about an expansion they may have picked, or perhaps any speculation of mounts, mogs, or specialized inner events that may take place.
I wasn’t too big on the plunderstorm stuff. If i wanna play fortnite, I’ll just do that lol. The remix really let me play out my fantasy of being insanely overpowered while adding some pandaria stuff to my collection. It was fun, and i wish i would have really pushed my character’s power way past unnecessary just for fun.
They already cut a ton of content, out of everything they cut. Picking your garrison locations is probably pretty low on the ask list.
Especially when you look at stuff like the shattrah raid getting cut and just turned into an elite zone.
Removing phasing would have been much easier than having to code in new locations and such.
Shatt raid was never announced though, I’d say garrison issues and main cities being cut back are some of the biggest, as well as the ogre island
Neither was the raid in the abyss in cata. Cut major content is still cut major content. And location of the garrisons wouldn’t have changed the glaring problem of garrisons. Which was phasing.
Being 1000% secluded in a base. Zero player interaction. Your garrison being a phased main hub for the entire xpac was a massive negative.
Yeah, no idea why he locked in on the WoD Garrison. Like in Legion they could have placed one at the border of Val’Shara/Suramar and it would have been fairly central to the continent while having a decent biome.
BFA it could have been our private island with quick travel to either continent.
To think most of the bonus quest zones in WoD was previously meant to be the other Garrison locations (Discovered by watching the map files) .-.
Point proven.
Eh, feel like it was a mistake on their part
Lot of good and bad in this presentation anyway