Any Kaldorei Highborne or Mage related guilds?

I’ve been wanting to try out something that I never really did due to me overall preferring the more “Raiding until you die” side of WoW, but recently I’ve been overall just enjoying more walking around Stormwind and RPing with others than any current content, so well, been thinking of joining an RP guild for the first time, see how it goes.

Would anyone know any good guilds to look for a more “Arcane” focused experience?

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Hi Eraellor!

There are a couple of arcane focused guilds to look at.

Grand Circle of Mages is a guild built on supporting established lore for the mage-rp community. They are an Alliance aligned guild. You can check out more information about them here: [A-RP] Grand Circle of Mages • The King's Magi and Arcane Knights in service to the Crown and Alliance

Then, of course, I will shout out my own guild, haha! We are a community & guild focused on magical artifacts and neutralizing dangerous magical threats. We are neutral aligned. You don’t need to join the guild to participate in our storylines by any means. We have a contractor role in our discord that allows you to see anything a member wearing the guild tag would see.

If you want to read more about us then check us out here or contact me in-game / over Discord! [A-RP] ☾ ●— The Arcanum —● ☽


Hey, sorry, I ended up with a lot on my mind and forgot to reply here.

I appreciate the chat, I will definitely think about it, quick question though, in The Arcanum, how does a mage interact with the whole neutralizing magical threats and collecting Artifacts? What I mean is, would be okay for a mage wanting to study the recovered objects/magic used and such?

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Hey there Eraellor, no problem!

There is ample opportunity in our events to find magical artifacts that are then deposited in a reliquary. There is a tab in our discord listing the magical artifacts that the Arcanum has found that still need to be researched by one of our antiquarians. Researching an artifact is usually a one-on-one scene with the DM and the person wanting to research it. Sometimes the artifacts will be cursed in some way and might require multiple people to work collaboratively to cleanse it.

So, yes! Aside from the objective of the contract, any items found in an event are absolutely up for grabs for people to take and research for their own.

We have a rough system in place because some of these items translate to our d20 system and can offer bonuses.

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Okay, sorry for not replying earlier, I had just woken up and had to do some stuff before. Anyways, it actually sounds quite interesting, I will think for a while longer since, I don’t know, I am still not sure how committed I am since gear progression still is one of my favorite things to do in WoW but… Well, I think things over and again, I will hit you up as soon as I made up my mind, thank you for everything!

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