Any guesses on what TwW gladiator mount will be?

I’ve been saying this for multiple expansions now.

Just re color the glad mount for each bracket.

Give the glad model the highest quality detail.

Anon, I…

pull up

I don’t play Halo.

We can square up on FFXIV though. You will kneel before my Red Mage.

im a red blooded american i would never play a weeb game unless its resident evil or elden ring

I hope its that sword they never added.

FFXIV is a quality game. It doesn’t waste your time. There are no chores. Massive downsides, though, are the PVP leaves a lot to be desired and there’s no variety in gear. The ability to build your character as you want is near zero :frowning:

FFXI was dangerously based long, long ago.

im just stupid and if i dont like a game thematically i have a hard time playing it

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I do prefer more cartoony games than realistic games. That’s why I will always have a soft spot for wow

cant wait for the 5 teams queuing rated 3v3 to get this!

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We can just Q and get it if you want o.O

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i am too drunk for my own good i hope this is the mount

“name” Gladiator’s Pinto.

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They are changing how you get it

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I havent played halo 3 in years but ill destroy you

I hope this is accurate. I submitted formal feedback a few months ago actually, maybe more I think. they actually implemented a number of my other changes I suggested and they were warmly welcomed. I won’t post what I suggested but I think if they actually implement it it will be also warmly welcomed. it does not make getting the most illustrious mount in the game any easier to obtain but it does make the player feel like they can do it in contrast to how out of reach it has always been for like 92% of the players.

we shall see!

If you have a r1 you get it in week 5, 2+glads in DF week 8, everyone else can buy(or get free with pre purchase of next expansion) raffle tickets for a drawing at week 12