Any fun single player stuff right now?

Hi guys, I know in the next expansion they’ll have Torghast which is kinda like a roguelike repeatable dungeon you can do single player. Super excited and patiently waiting for that.

But while I wait, is there anything currently in the game that you would label as fun/challenging single player content? Or is it more of just grind easy mobs over and over and over to level up your gear kinda content?

I completely understand that WoW at its core is multiplayer and I have no desire to change that, but I’m just curious for a solo-oriented person like me if there’s currently anything to do. I haven’t played this game much at all in the past years so I don’t know. Thanks!

The Horrific Visions appear to be a bit of a test run for Torghast. (Although the fact that Visions effectively have a timer and require a pretty grindy currently to run does turn some people off.)

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Oh cool. I had a suspiscion theyd have some sort of testrun similar feature baked in to the current game. Ill look into that, thx for the info.