Any class tuning coming soon?

I don’t even have to mention which classes, we all know - the question is if am I just going to play Manor Lords until phase 4?

I heard Manor Lords is going to kill wow.

I don’t know about that, but it’s definitely got my interest, and if executed correctly will probably kill total war for me

Yes they will eventually nerf pally and priest hopefully. Just be patient friend

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Are they going to nerf the paladins doing 1.2-1.4K dps in st? That’s bonkers


I’m not worried for for either of those classes hehe don’t worry bud

They said they will do tuning in 2-3 weeks after phase launch.

I’m leery if there will be any benefit to doing so. Things look really bad.

lol, shamans are feeling edgy even when you didn’t mention any class that needs a nerf.

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I am on super copium they are actually testing their changes before releasing them.

Warriors, Enhance, Rogues, and Melee Hunters all need serious adjustments as they are all doing 3x the damage of casters.

Even in p2 the casters werent doing 3x the damage of melee.

Imo, they want casters to handle AoE and raid mechanics, while melee focus on boss dmg, aka ST dps.
You can easily complete a raid with a full caster comp, but it’s much harder to raid with a full melee comp.

no its not. Speed clears and parse runs are 16 melee one S priest and 3 healers.

No casters needed (or wanted). Boomkin, Spriest, and ele shaman are all barely out performing healer mage and PvP mage.

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Looks like overcharged will now do damage every 3 seconds instead of every 1 second. This sounds good to me, let’s see how it feels in game!

I think every 3 seconds is totally fair. Glad we can agree. I’m happy if it means I don’t have to rebuff every 5 secs

It will be determined if more is required, hoping to see nerfs to shamanistic rage also but this is a great start

Shall we discuss the bonkers Ret damage while bubbled? or are you not ready for that conversation?

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I don’t know, go ask a ret bro I’m holy lol

Massive nerfs across the board:

Owait, you maybe meant Paladins…

Huge buffs across the board:

Hurray balance is restored in Azeroth. Back to your regularly scheduled raiding.
