Eniquity - Undead Shadowpriest (Guildmaster of Desecration).
I’m playing with Coma on Thunderfury and i’m playing as Eniquity.
Eniquity - Undead Shadowpriest (Guildmaster of Desecration).
I’m playing with Coma on Thunderfury and i’m playing as Eniquity.
<-- Linkedchainz / Canttwinkdis / Tauntdis ; on Incendius
I miss me some RD
Renvi, Undead Mage. I mostly raided in WotLK, though, in NubsRUs.
Chaniki - Tauren Shaman - used to be called the Machine gun shammy. Guild was KotH way back when
HOLY E SHEET wazzz up!
just been playing classic
Name: Mongatsuya
Race: Orc
Class: Shaman
Guild: Risen
I’m looking for my old guild that i used to raid with called “Risen” Guild master was named Rayj. My shamans name back then was named Mongatsuya. I would love to reconnect with everyone from back then
I played mostly in TBC but I was Yaokun, paladin. Still same character nowadays
Im Thine/Cooalr Feral druid, Kamang(a) / Totemorc enhancement shaman
I was in Trial by Fire mostly in TBC but a little bit in Wotlk as well. I think I remember Barnabas? I was the guild’s boomkin mascots for awhile, but I was too young to have a clue about what was going on anyway. My name was Delherser.
Looking for anyone from the guild Revolving Door on anub arak server. I cant remember anyones name except Thunderfoot. I played Kizno the hunter, Nothingface the priest, and a troll shaman(cant remember the name).
Anyone remember playing with a druid tank named Gabriella?
I played Kambei, BE rogue.
My guilds where Doom-> Miasma → Warrior Nation
Years later I logged back in and put my twink in Horde Invasion
Twink was Icesnow, BE hunter.
I remember the Revolving Door folks.