This is entirely unfounded.
Odyn isn’t a Titan.
This is entirely unfounded.
Odyn isn’t a Titan.
Ideally we’d kill all the evil ones, and then when it’s down to just us and the Titans, we give them the boot as well and let all life control their own destinies from now on.
Odyn isn’t a Titan, he’s a Titan Keeper, he’s basically Aman’thul’s pet to make sure Aman’thul’s will is carried out on Azeroth.
I would go light but the naaru don’t make sense within the cosmic chart. They legit should be locked into a all out civil war with themselves trying to turn naaru from light to void. They can’t exist as they do in tbc
It’s not entirely unfounded it’s just not entirely founded.
Fair enough. I mix titans up with their ulduar style champions.
The titans left multiple tools with which to wipe out all life on Azeroth and have obliterated other planets when it was to their own interest. It’s not established they are going to betray us or even in a position to do so, but they’ve “ordered” living creatures against their will or had their servants do so. We might be on good terms with them if and when we meet again, but it’d be a significant departure from their numerous life-eradicating machines they left behind.
Please. The players have murdered trillions by this point.
The Titans have historically been portrayed as good albeit flawed figures in the backstory, all the way up until Dragonflight. Literally the only times they decide to reoriginate worlds is when Old God corruption is deemed irreversible.
Even your example of Algalon has nothing to do with the Titans. Algalon only shows up and starts the Reorigination process because Loken’s death triggers a signal that basically reads “Azeroth is doomed, glass it”. Literally the fault of the players and not something the Titans actually ordered. Because, you know, they were dead at this point in time and couldn’t have ordered it.
In what way does this make them evil? Or even just simply not-good? They are explicitly fighting against Eldritch insanity-inducing Cthulhu monsters who want to eat reality and send existence into a swirling morass of chaos and undoing. It would be profoundly irresponsible to NOT have failsafes and kill switches on planets that have nascent World Souls.
They’ve only started “ordering” things against their will in Dragonflight, after they were retconned into being evil manipulators. WoW’s writers aren’t very smart.
They are portrayed as good in their own records. As for the “irreversible” claim that’s not held water. Loken messed up, so the protocols the Titans set meant it was time to wipe out life.
They gave Algalon his duties before their deaths. He was still acting on their orders.
Didn’t he ask to come along to Dalaran at the start of TWW? If it were nepotism wouldn’t he be asked first?
Its like the Titans aren’t black / white as folks think.
Yeah but for a Earthen, memory data is kind of a big deal to them
Did you forget the situation?
Are you trolling? They are portrayed as good in-game throughout Vanilla to Wrath and into Legion.
In what way does it not hold water when literally the only examples of it successfully happening are indeed in times of old god corruption?
Liken didn’t “mess up”, he was driven mad by Yogg-Saron, along with virtually everything else in Ulduar and all throughout Northrend. And considering Loken’s place in the Keeper hierarchy, this would be the exact old god corruption that the failsafes are meant to prevent.
they gave Algalon his rules beforehand
Yeah, and it, weirdly, lasted for thousands of years just fine until, oh wait, old god corruption began to seep in.
Obviously the Titans aren’t going to just simply orbital strike the world on a whim or they wouldn’t have bothered imprisoning the Old Gods, considering their original mission when they arrived was to simply kill the old god presence.
If the Titans murdered them, I wouldn’t call them “people.” Maybe “disease” or something. Titans are the ontological Good Guys and if they did it, it was the right call.
Algalon states he is unsure whether this was the correct choice.
They learned very quickly that they couldn’t outright kill the old gods without harming Azeroth. That’s why they imprisoned them underground and set up tools to wipe out all of their servants and any other life should the need arise. Reorigination wouldn’t kill Azeroth, simply scorch the surface clean. See Uldum for an example, as the desert used to be a jungle prior to the Forge of Origination being used on a small scale to bring down Lei Shen.
Ngl I think you’re kinda in too deep on the pro-Titan propaganda that they fed you.
I think it’s pretty clear the Titans are using us to further their own interests, and would kill us if we suddenly stopped doing so. I think we have enough evidence of that at least.
Mortality is fluid and built of perspective or group think.
It’s not even propaganda, it’s literally just ignoring that Sargeras did everything we spent every expansion trying to stop without any corrupting force. He literally just concluded “ope, guess purging life is the only way to stop dark titans from happening.”
(Which also proves any belief of them representing ontological good objectively false, since a disagreement exists at all.)
Sargeras did nothing wrong.
(except for gettin caught lackin n thrown in prison)
You know that happens in real life, right? theory of relativity is a thing, gravity affects time. Now in a magical world, you can just call it astral plane moves more fast than real space.
Time dilatation is the most realistic thing about the story. The 1k year war isn’t.
Not to the people murdered, no.
But the entire rest of the universe who gets to see another day because they prevented the birth of a Void Titan sees it a lot differently.