Anti magic zone and other @player macros

I found a post awhile back with someone asking about the DKs anti magic zone with an @player macro. I know there’s some redundant stuff here and could be chopped down but I made it work this way
simply posting because the macro shown in the other post I found did not work for me at least

#showtooltip (spell name)
#show (spell name)
/cast [mod:ctrl, @cursor] (spell name); [@player] (spell name)

Most (but not all) reticule-based spells can be managed with this macro:

/cast [mod:ctrl,@cursor][mod,@player][]Spell Name

That’ll drop it at your cursor location (without an additional click) with the control key held, at your feet (without an additional click) if any other modifier key is held, and allow for normal place-and-click behavior by default.

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I’ll try that one out but that’s what the macro i posted does as well just drops it at your feet without a click

The macro you posted didn’t have a…mod… in it for the @player segment. That would drop it at your feet by default.

Mine has it, so it’ll behave as described.