Another reason horrific visions is a dumb system

You can actually fall behind for being TOO successful. To clarify I was on the getting rank 6 quest which involves as the quest text states “to go deeper into the horrific visions” so I did. I went and completed a lost zone (the 12 sanity drain a second zone) to kill two birds one stone as it drops the rank 2 of the new essence. I then killed Thrall and did NOT get the quest item of fear and flesh from the end of the run.

Others in my guild have done that quest by doing a corrupted zone (the 8 sanity drain a second zone) and HAVE got the quest item. So yeah, apparently Blizzard wants you to kick a certain amount of butt but don’t you dare kick TOO much butt, or you fail.

Keep this in mind for when you guys get up to this point, so that you too don’t get screwed by Blizzards pure incompetence.


You went to the wrong zone for Rank 6.

Yeah because that’s where it drops from.

You got a Rank 2 essence didn’t you ?


find me where in that quest text that states that i have to do a specific zone.


Nowhere, that’s what RPGs are about. You went to the wrong castle.


Thats the dumbest explanation from a Blizzard white knight i’ve ever heard. If it doesn’t state that you have to go to a SPECIFIC zone, only “deeper” then there by actual human logic, and not idiot logic, should be no wrong zone.


The game didn’t hand hold you ? How do you expect Wrathion to actually know where the book he needs is, in a possible futur timeline corrupted by an old god he’s never went to ?

Wrathion told you what he knows, as an adventurer on a quest, up to you to search for your treasure.

No one told Percival where the Grail was.


It kind of makes sense that, when your cloak is a lower level of sanity resistance, you’d go to the section that drains the least about of sanity per second.

That’s how I interpreted it at least. It made logical sense in my RPG brain.

Sorry no one wants to hold you hand though.


yikes dude, just throw the towel in. I haven’t even done that quest yet, and anyone with a brain should be agreeing with the OP on this.


Don’t be an idiot. And don’t be a Blizzard defender. it’s pathetic. When you’re actively punishing people for being too successful, you’re a failure of a designer.


So “having a brain” means you need the game dumbed down and telling you all the details and exact locations of everything ?

I kinda find that contradictory. If you have a brain, you enjoy the “quest” and “search” much more than simply the “fetch” part.

This is what too much Map markers have done to you guys, you’re now unable to try to search and figure things out, you need your hand literally held through everything.

How are you being punished exactly ? You didn’t get the book, you’ll get another attempt to find it next time.


Are you really this dense? Or just a troll? If I had DIED or lost all my sanity then yeah fair enough, that’s on me, but when I go and challenge myself and actually go out of my way to do something harder to test myself, then why would a person who does the easier version get the quest item and not me? Like, seriously. That’s dumb by anyone that isn’t a blizzard white knights standard.


Are you for real? This iteration of wow has, FOR YEARS, literally given you the exact location of where to go for every quest on your map. Surely you’re joking at this point?


I can sympathize with OP. It would make sense if the rank 6 dropped from either corrupted or lost areas. I dont see a reason to make it exclusive to the middle tier difficulty.


No, I just disagree with you that the game needs to be dumbed down.

“Hey Arthur, I know you sent me on a Quest to get the Grail and all, but look at this, I conquered Jerusalem instead! How great is that! What ? That won’t save the kingdom ? Oh… bummer then”.


Yes, this is a problem the game devs created and now you guys are unable to fanthom a world where you actually have to use your heads to figure out how quest works.

You know, exactly what people mean when they say “Bring stuff from Classic into Retail”. A little bit of RPG.

From a purely challenge stand point there is : Harder areas drop more mementos. Forcing you into the mid areas will drain your sanity, maybe preventing you from getting a bigger Memento “pay check”.

That’s not discounting the RPG aspect that the book is in a specific place, not some other place.


It is dumb but I hope it stands up for all the public to see. The more dumber it becomes as each day goes on but it is for our entertainment to be honest.


I just want to get gear more than once a week from them… Thats the dumbest part of this system.

man your right 1000% here.

You do. You get 3 total pieces, assuming you complete a high enough tier of difficulty.

Seems like a developer oversight, they should have had a completion flag for every bonus zone when you’re completing your +6 quests, not just the 8 insanity ones.

That would be like not getting the 1-5 quest items because you do 1-2 bonus objectives currently, wouldn’t make sense to punish you like that.


It’s one thing for the quest to be ambiguous saying we must delve deeper with the zones still saying “Upgrade your Cloak more to survive!”

Damn I didn’t think if you decided to dive too deep you still wouldn’t get it though.

If that’s the case I really don’t see why it doesn’t at least strongly hint you towards the specific zones for completion then. That’s a lot of assuming for something that takes grinding materials to access on a limited basis.