Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances

Sounds more like trying to justify getting one while denying the other.

It’s simple: if you say something will become unobtainable, stand by it, otherwise the word holds no real value.


Be born sooner so you can play while the rewards you want were ingame. Bunch of grumpy greedy old folks blocking the gate for newer players. It’s so sad. Thinking an item makes them special or unique. Lacking the skill to rank or attain high rating they cling desperately to what little they can hoard

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You’re just sounding kind of immature and bitter now. Not really helping the conversation.


That’s exactly what it is.

If you don’t like it that’s a you problem.

But aotc are crap rewards, not prestigious at all, unlike Mt and cm that generate rivers tears from people who grew up not being told “no”

Just balance the challenge. Make it an actual challenge.

Old mage tower for old appearances? No.

New mage tower for new appearances? Yes.


Nah man, It’s good to not be able to have everything you want. If you had everything you ever wanted you’d be really bored.

No, it’s fomo. The challenge is over.

Make new rewards.


Way to move the goalposts to suit your bias.


We already have it, the tier sets.

It doesnt matter if you’re an older player or a new one. Make it accessible ( i have them all, btw)


Nice try…

Aotc aren’t tests of skill

No goal posts moved.


I’ve been playing off and on since vanilla, I’m just not bitter and have a life to get in the way of playing at a top level in every expansion. Crazy right? Just campaigning for what’s good for the health of a game I grew up playing. New player numbers ain’t what they used to be and players like you might have something to do with that.


Christ …

There are tons of things I don’t have in this game because I had to stop playing/didn’t achieve it when it was around. You don’t see me complaining. What makes you so special?

You and I both knew that we would miss out stuff when we stepped away, that’s how life works.


I’m advocating for new fomo for new players.

Players who played at the right time should be rewarded and keep their legacy rewards.

Lol try again.

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Oh right because the MT near the end of Legion was SO MUCH MORE challenging than AotC. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Yes they were.


Nah man, let people have things. The game has almost the US drinking age, its nonsense to gatekeep stuff in a game this old

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Fomo and micro transactions that’s what’ll draw new players! Do you work for activision?


We disagree about what’s good for the health of the game, then.

Everyone who has a bone to pick on this forum claims that flagging player numbers are specifically because of their personal grievance. Are you the one that’s right? Maybe, but I doubt it.

Comments like this are also immature and unhelpful for any real conversation.

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For some people it was

Not everyone had an torus gear.

And no they weren’t.