Another Longboi thread

I really don’t understand why people are upset about this change. It is a gold sink first off and it will only be more of a gold sink on the BMAH so it is doing it’s job.

Second, it will be available for another YEAR and have given everyone a heads up.

Lastly it was ALWAYS a mount for a limited audience. I wonder how many people population wise even have bought this or tried to go after it. Honestly it is for the AH players mostly and nothing more then a status symbol.

Are people really this upset at it being moved (still available) to the BMAH?

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Why is this it’s own thread? :roll_eyes:

Good, and get rid of the spider mount too, mounts that cost millions of gold have no place in this game.

Inflation got out of control and this what happens so give us a gold squish too, make everyone that has 5 million gold have only 50000 gold at most too.

This is a disingenuous comparison at best and pandering to the lowest common denominator of reactionaries at worst.

Comparing a games and products where the entire structure of making money is derived through these practices to a game like wow is ludicrous. You also haven’t read a single thing I’ve posted in the responses in this thread. No one is arguing that corporations like blizz can and will do things like this. I am arguing that the caravan mount is not one of these practices.

I know more about these laws than you do, in fact, I have a degree in law from the University of Chicago and am living in the EU right now working to help get more of these laws passed.

I am telling people, in this very thread, that these are common practices, but reacting to something that is clearly not one of those things in a reactionary fashion is helping no one and muddying the waters.

Thank you for your opinion Blizzard Employee and/or Blizzard Adjacent Individual.

That they are above targeting whales with predatory methods.

You can clearly see the work of game designers and then some random additions that are clearly based on profit, those choices are made by someone.
Yes, it isnt the evil council of doom style meeting but someone is responsible for many predatory practices that knows very well how the gaming industry, players and more specifically whales work.
There was even a video of a presentation by someone who literally directly talks about how you can abuse your playerbase to get profit and manipulate them psychologically to do it, there’s no pretending, they directly do that and there is a person or people who are making such choices.

If they were just a HANDFUL, there would be no need to coin a literal OFFICIAL term used in the game industry by those corporations, it is more than just a handful and ther eis a huge profit in targeting such people

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Stealing this gif in the extermely off chance it might soften the cruel, dinosuar hating hearts of the blizz devs

There’s already been too much dino death to continue such senseless slaughter

:sob: :skull: :sauropod: :skull: :sob:

My post seems to have disappeared…keep checking if I put it in the wrong thread…