Another Day Another Unannounced Downtime

Even the downtimes are now RNG


Likely not. Servers already have a low (single-digit) number of layers, and from my experience some high pop servers (like Bloodsail Buccaneers) only have two layers.

This is when I get out of work since I work 3rd shift. It sucks


Oh no an hour down time whatever will you do?

I would imagine the downtimes are for something important. I don’t think they wake up, have a meeting, and decided “Let’s just randomly shutdown the Classic servers.” :wink:


I am always curious as to why they do the shutdowns. I probably wouldn’t understand the explanation, though.

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guys every morning at this time servers reset, its to refresh the


classic has me going through withdrawls on cities lol

It takes them a few seconds to post anything here on twitter. Just like this post didn’t take long to show up.
They could at least say something even if it is a few minutes before.

im on this time everyday and this happens for 5-15mins thats all

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Yep i’ve noticed a market increase in crowded zones/questing areas. It’s so bad on Mankrik that I can’t even quest at night. We have exploiters to thank for this.

am i the only one that expects a daily restart at this point?

But did you log out near Prince Nazjak’s spawn?

It’s not exploiters we have to thank, but the people advocating against layers, wanting them decreased/gone. Nobody should be thanking exploiters.

15 year old game that still need maintenance a month after re-release…

Dumb as f

Its really not the end of the world, but there was a warning about downtime today, last night.

Nothing you posted is evidence of anything whatsoever. It could very well be that SOME are having layers decreased. This is my theory, and you really haven’t disproved it.

In any event, eh, if they are fixing things I am fine with it happening in the AM with 15 minute warning.

Nothing you posted is evidence of anything whatsoever. It could very well be that NONE are having layers decreased. This is my theory, and you really haven’t disproved it.

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you trying to kill trolls in stv too? so many ppl.

Layers removal should be a tuesday maintence. I Have no problem with maintence on tuesdays but not every day or every other fing day on a 15 year old fing game.

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every morning there is a daily server reset people