Another Anti-Premade post

Just another post among all the other threads to hopefully be visible to Blizz!


Spamming the forums with threads isn’t the way to get their attention, well not good attention, but ok.

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i too would like to complain about premades, we tried to do some fun achievement runs between horde and alliance PVP communities and we kept getting paired with ally premades who were just being rude and toxic, they didn’t want a free cloud nine achieve, they wanted to pwn, and when they couldn’t they started reporting everyone on both teams who wasn’t part of their premade.

Did a premade hurt you?

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they came in and reported me in my special place :sob:

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Hehe I heard Fraam spanked ya.

We won that last AV.

Sounds like someone is Salty their premade in random bgs lost against another premade.

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I legit beat them lol.

Sure you did bud pats head

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Damn that’s too bad, that’s pretty toxic

This. Blizz has long frowned upon this sort of thing.

Sadly after we got that event, I got this weird warning message from blizzard about language in game ??? lol

I’m seeing more and more premades in every bracket im pvpn in. Its kinda sad that you cant que solo and get into a normal game without a full premade trying to “pawn”.

With party syncers influencing even more as they have 100% of their moves and abilities for that level.

They need to tone party sycners down and do something about all the premades.


I agree, all the loner solo queuers should be forced to play in premades.

At the very least it would confirm for them that premades aren’t why they lose all the time

imagine being so bad that nobody even wants u to be part of their premade

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He’s talking about me ^^


The problem is that there are achievements that have been designed to require coordination between the teams.

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wintrading achievements?


Some achievements can’t be done at all nowadays … ex the Ranger achievement in Wintergrasp . No one goes to the Cauldron of Flame area now so how can you get the 10 kills needed ? Unless you trade achievements with another team .