Another 40+ mounts .. still no achievement past 400?

500 and 600 mount achievements please :pleading_face:


They are hopeless


It’s just gonna be a reskin anyways.

Don’t know why Blizzard finds that so hard.


I’m really hoping that we see an achievement for collecting 500 and 550 mounts respectively. Currently on my main Horde character, I’m getting very close to having 500 mounts collected.

I would also like to see the mount tab in-game only count that amount of mounts that only that character itself can use. Rather than counting every mount you have between your Alliance and Horde characters.

Perhaps also fix the mount tab in the armory as well since it shows your Alliance and Horde mounts in one giant collection. Would be nice if it only showed your Horde mounts on your Horde characters and vice-versa for your Alliance characters.

Doesn’t make sense that it shows your Alliance and Horde mounts on both the Alliance and Horde sides when viewing characters on the armory.


Another thread reminded me of this one. Wanted to include some info from my reply here for visibility.

I agree as well and made a few posts about it. dataforazeroth (link below) gives an idea of where people are at with their collections. The top 43 people are at 600 or above so I think they should add 650 and even 700 since chances are the mounts will be reskins anyway. It would be cool to see those achieves become attainable and to watch the first people get them (and even better if they kept it going and added achieves quicker over time).

Here’s a few ideas for rewards
450 - green/fel version of grove defiler
500 - spectral shackled urzul
550 - red version of brutosaur (without vendors)
600 - white/black striped zulian tiger
650 - red glacial tidestorm
700 - icy/blue ashes of alar

and if they want a unique mount that fits the collection theme - a chariot pulled by 4 of your favorite mounts (even better, with the option to pick which 4 mounts)

Other reward options could be things like:
20% mount speed increase in world content
access to an island with your mounts on it. similar to a small garrison
access to a vendor that sells previous expansion bonus rolls for low amounts of gold


Yea im at 504 nothing

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Hopefully something in 9.1.5

With the rate they are adding new mounts, we need multiple levels, with some future proofing built in


The top collector currently has 652 character mounts. If they’re going to do infrequent updates to these achieves, I hope they add achieves through 700/750 to hold people over until the next achieve update.


We seem to be getting a lot of comments from Blues on small things like this in 9.1.5.

Bumping this thread in hopes there is a response


official 9.1.5 patch notes out
no luck. pretty unfortunate and disappointing for dedicated long-term collectors. Not sure why they’d avoid such a low effort addition for some of their most loyal customers.

(4th post on these forums in recent history with many views/replies. guess this isnt an effective place for feedback either)

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It’s straight up disrespectful how Blizzard hasn’t updated any of these Meta achievements in YEARS

Fabulous: - Patch 7.0.3 - July 19, 2016

  • This achievement requires you to collect 100 wrist/feet/waist/leg/hand/shoulder/chest/helm/wep/offhand, 200 cloak, and 15 tabard/shirt transmogs to earn the title “____ the Fabulous”.

We were playing Warlords of Draenor when this came out. Over five years and not a single addition to this meta achievement!

How difficult is it to double the requirements and make an additional set of achievements/rewards? It’s been so long you could triple or quadruple the requirements and people would still get it day 1.

Take those transmogs on the WoW shop and put them in-game as rewards for collecting 300/400/500/600 thresholds of Transmog appearances.

If some incredible armor/weapon sets, pets, mounts, titles, etc. are added to this, the entire transmog market will be incredibly stimulated. And that means way more people running dungeons, raids, pvp, etc. to farm, buy, and sell these items.

Azeroth’s Next Top Model - Patch 7.2.0 - March 28, 2017

  • This achievement requires you to collect 10 different raid tier armor sets or PvP season sets to earn the title “Stylist _____”.

We were in the middle of Legion when this came out. Over four years and not a single update to this meta achievement!

I got this day 1 when it came out. I now have 62 out of 69 sets, and yet the requirement is still only 10. If there were great transmog rewards for having 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 sets, how many more dungeons and raids would be done? Raiding only Meta, PvP only Meta. All PvP sets from each expansion. Etc.

Awake the Drakes: Patch 6.0.2 - October 14, 2014

  • This achievement requires you to collect the Azure Drake, Black Drake, Blue Drake, Purple Netherwing Drake, Twilight Drake, Bronze Drake, Blazing Drake, Onyxian Drake, Red Drake to earn the Emerald Drake.

We were playing Mists of Pandaria when this came out. Over seven years and not a single other mount meta achievement like this has been made since!

How difficult is it to create ones for Beasts, Mechanical, Underwater, etc.? Those WoW Shop mounts could easily be rewards for these new Meta achievements.

250,000 Honorable Kills: Patch 4.0.3 - November 23, 2010

  • This achievement requires you to kill 250,000 enemy players to earn the title “____, the Bloodthirsty”.

We were playing Wrath of the Lich King when this came out. Almost 11 years and not a single addition to this meta achievement!

This can be expanded to include similar achievements to the Garrison’s Gladiator Sanctum system that required you to hundreds of each enemy race.

3000 Quests Completed: Patch 4.0.1 - October 12, 2010

  • This achievement requires you to complete 3,000 quests to earn the title “_____ the Seeker”.

We were playing playing Wrath of the Lich King when this came out. Over 11 years and not a single addition to this meta achievement.

You can go on and on.

  • Toybox Tycoon (Toy collecting Meta) hasn’t seen an update since July of 2018, the prepatch for Battle for Azeroth.

  • Master of Minions (Pet collecting Meta) hasn’t seen an update also since July of 2018, the prepatch for Battle for Azeroth.

  • 100 Exalted Reputations (Reputation Meta) hasn’t seen an update since – you guessed it – July of 2018, the prepatch for Battle for Azeroth.


not everything needs or deserves a reward, most of the things you mentioned here are perfectly fine the way they are, or do you also demand a reward for logging in or each time you wipe your butt?

calling it disrespectful is just whiny entitled baby behaviour

traditionally there have been three categories of collectables that have been upgraded in tiers across expansions: mounts, reputations and pets. sticking to that is perfectly fine, and those do indeed need their next tiers

You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding about Meta achievements. They always have rewards.

But that’s not the point of my post.

The point is they have been abandoned for upwards of a decade. They put a starter achievement in and then let it rot for years. My post is bringing attention to the fact that they need to update their achievements.

The rest of your inane drivel isn’t worth acknowledging


I get where Luft is coming from.

I personally think it makes sense to have ongoing long-term rewards in an MMO, especially one that’s 17 years old with a very dedicated base of long-term players. I can’t really think of any negatives either - totally optional and cosmetic with no ‘time limit’ on achieving it to create FOMO or any other negative reaction.

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you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding in general
I said that there is no need for more achievements for mundane stuff like quests completed, just like you don’t need achievements for logging in

the achievements are fine as they are, with the exception of traditional collectors meta achievements regarding mounts, pets and reputations

maybe spend your time on getting good at the game instead of chasing easy points, you’ve been playing for over a decade and dont have anything that can be remotely called an ‘achievement’

there is nothing remotely difficult about these
play the game and you get 10,000 quests done before you know it
stop asking for handouts for every meaningless task you complete

and again, since you’re a bit dense:

but sure I’m the deficient one lmao

ayyy the ego comes out to play, I’m not the one asking for handouts for meaningless tasks and I certainly wouldn’t get an ego from whatever you’ve “achieved”, capping at heroic raiding and a rival title lol

the proof of the pudding is that you actually use legacy achievements, HKs and recipes (lmao, recipes
 really?) as your metric for quality
 that’s equally as laughable as me claiming superiority because I got 5k more achievement points in 10 years less time than you, it’s a stupid metric that is used by noobs who don’t know better

either way, my point stands: new tiers for mount, pet and reputations, the rest is perfectly fine
 we don’t need more participation trophies

I can’t resist but to point out that your SA profile is one of the least impressive I’ve seen in a while
 I mean it’s okay, it’s just pixels, but I’m not sure what the rare collectables are that make your ego skyrocket

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oh no, no ego from me lol, I’m chill, I haven’t boasted about anything

not sure how a career rival player is going to put me in my place though, maybe struggle less with easy achievements like that IoC one that I got done in a few days?


also correct

I personally don’t consider heroic raiding and mid-tier M+ as anything more than “okay-ish”, and again that’s fine until okay-ish players suddenly think they’re exceptional

taking that view into consideration the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you, and I, both, are sub-par players
with the distinction that at least I’m not crying “Blizzard is disrespectful!1!!1!1!” because they wont give me a 10,000 quests completed participation trophy

its not a difficult concept

anyways its been fun but I need to get back to my studies, ciao and good luck with your plight!

lmao you’re right, your rare recipes leave me quaking in my boots :joy::joy::joy:

its cute how much stock you place in whatever you constitute as ‘accomplished’, you seem like the type to walk in a kids judo class and pat yourself on the back for throwing some preteens around

youre adorable

regardless of achievement point battles. this is one of many threads showing interest in these achieves.

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