[A]<No Fun> US-Proudmoore Late Night Guild recruiting members

Hello there I sent you a friend request.

Hello to everyone

Still recruiting

Come join the “No Fun”. We have been around for 10 raid tiers and plan on staying around a lot longer.

Mainly looking for range dps

Yes still looking for a couple range dps

Need a mage?

Any clothy dps would be nice atm.

still recruiting

Ele shaman just returning to the game. I took a break after getting AOTC in Uldir. In my absence it appears that the guild fell apart. I am woefully under geared atm.

Looking for an older/mature guild with later raid times.

Thanks for reading.

Well hello there Brennus. You would be welcome to join but, we couldn’t trial you for the raid team until you where geared for it.

Yeah an Ele sham would be ok

Still looking for a couple DPS and 1 heals

still recruiting

Just wanted to pop in and say the guild name cracks me up… No Fun sounds like Fun :wink:

Nope, absolutely not, we don’t allow “No Fun” here and having fun is a 50 DKP minus :slight_smile:

Sorry but, I had some fun today

OMG you did what? LOL

Still looking for some solid raiders!

Still looking for more