Annoyed with PUG

It’s a crazy idea but hear me out. This game is supposed to be fun, relaxing and enjoyable ; percentage of don’t have the time to reach mythic raiding or even heroic.

Reading some of the forums- a percentage are soloing this beautiful game.

So my thinking is why not start a casual guild- run M+ duraid- normal and maybe heroic

So who’s with me

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Hey, there!
Our guild is looking for a few more active members to run mythic plus, raids, PVP, and just overall have a good time with! WE are formed with 8 members that have been playing with each other since BC and have continued to stay in touch. We typically raid Wednesdays and Sundays (but usually depends on the week) from 8:30-12 PM ST. Currently, we are 12/12 N, 5/12 H, and plan on doing mythic content sometime shortly. We are a few members short of a full guild group so we have to pug the last few! We are looking for all classes and all roles to bolster our ranks! Pst me in-game- Theecaptain or message me on Robertcopper#1512 for more info!

We had the same thought! Come join us! :slight_smile:

Currently doing just that :slight_smile: