If water flows the opposite direction down there, then how do they purify it via reverse osmosis? Wouldn’t that just be osmosis missing out on the purification part?
Perths water is mostly treated now (recycled, desalination, ground water) as run off in the hills for natural water is much lower now over the last 50 years
lol… “I couldn’t get the faction I wanted on the PvP realm so I rolled HC and died! Free xfer to PvP realm, glut one faction. We are WINNING!”
How about…NO?
I will tell our greatest minds this.
Good job not picking NYC for EST.
also RP-PVP please!!!
dont let us down!
Actually, fair point. You’re right.
You should open the realms earlier. 2pm is too late. What if something goes wrong? Do you really want to stay at work all night? 10am is good. Fix some bugs, couple of restarts, have a lunch break, no pressure.
Said no one ever. In fact it should be later.
2 pm is the best time to launch. Most people are awake but a good chunk of them are still at work so the launch hour will be populated but won’t completely overload the servers. The day offers and no lifers will be able to get a head over the work slaves and keep the zones at least somewhat uncrowded
TBC forever please!
Every NZer wondering what on earth blizz think AZDT is