Anniversary is over; Siren Isle seems dead. Now what?

Working on achievements needed for the Meta mount and I think wrapping up the Harronir story line.

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Siren Isle takes all of 20 minutes to complete for the week.

Though, I guess a lot of people will do Plunderstorm next week.

I think youā€™re supposed to farm timeways bee mount til 11.1

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Give it a few hours. Some of us work for a living.

Blitz, shuffle, random bgs and arena for me. :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

Im at my giant mahogany desk, doing business, and making decisions

Looking at upcoming mog and getting classes i want mog for ready

Thinking i may do lock for ksm. Had fun woth destro leveling. Disc priest for pvp.

At least in the short term Ill likley be grinding it out in the Timewalking event trying to get Timereaver. I just hit 4000 kills so cheers to another 4k kills lol.

I still plan to hit Sirenā€™s Isle to get more cosmetics. I couldnt spam it as much with work being busy during xmas and new years. Iā€™m wondering if the 3 boss events are soloable to an extent if the population there goes to 1 (being myself).

Classic HC or other games entirely.

Tired of waiting for content that ultimately isnā€™t worth the wait. (Looking at you, Sirenā€™s Isle.)

If 11.1 ainā€™t good, Iā€™m hanging my TWW hat lol.

Why spend more than 5 minutes a week on that island? Just get your ring upgrade and leave.

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Level a alt I guess? As with BRD gone I have zero drive to go back to the bug raid. Though isnā€™t Plunderstorm coming back soon? So could be that.

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Now you can finally play the game

there is no worthy method of farming raw gold in this expansion so im just coming back for time limited stuff. Playing hardcore for now. Blizzard is lucky i tried hardcore or it would have been unsub

I got 2 T11ā€™s left to get done for ā€œDelver of the Depths IVā€

I need Coralweaver Calliso for ā€œClean up on Isle Sirenā€

Iā€™m at 4910/500 for ā€œ5000 World Quest Completeā€

I still need like 170+ Gilded crests to cap my S1 Hero set and Delves+ farming weathered crests from the floating orbs are my only sourcxe for crests or up-convert crests.

277/500 Nerubian blood for the Sesizberg(sic) mount.

and I still need to try Zek on ?? difficulty again.

I got plenty to do.

Prolly wonā€™t get S1 stuff done before S2 starts.

Iā€™m also close to getting my Brann to lvl60. about 50% of the way thru level 59 rn, so should be able to get that in the next week or so.,

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Thereā€™s turbulent timeways, with each week getting a different timewalking event. Timewalker vendors also got new mounts, transmog and other stuff to sell.

And next week thereā€™s the return of Plunderstorm with new itens to collect.