Anniversary is over; Siren Isle seems dead. Now what?

Pet dueling is actually really fun and you can just right click and battle anyone!

Can’t believe they are bringing back that garbage. What a freeking waste of content.


Didn’t do Blunderstorm last time, doubt I’ll do it this time. Still have 9 alts to get to 80. SI is useless but will at least get the ring on all my alts. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

classic hardcore, lol. I do dabble in retail PvP, though, on my monk. curious to see how much further I can get past about 1900 rank, but that’s a pretty good spot for this being my first season of pvping earnestly in rated. I’ve barely touched Siren Isle, and I don’t mind. I think taking a break from retail is good here and there, especially since I’ve been playing for 15 years. I’ll come back re energized for Undermined!

I’m still finishing up main and side quests.

Personally wow content feels like it releases too fast lol.

But I have a full time job and irl friends and family I see frequently.

The only people I see maybe running out of things to do in wow are retirees or those lucky enough to not have to work.

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I’m bored! I guess fininshing up quests in the Dragon Isles and Shadowlands, crafting old crap.

Luckily for me I actually enjoy the game, so the same thing I’ve been doing all season.

Seems incredibly hollow to me to play a game exclusively for an arbitrary treadmill instead of because you actually enjoy the gameplay.


I havent even been there yet. No one (NPC) has directed me to.

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Just asking what you’re doing. No one said you have to play the latest thing.

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I’d rather play the OG snowboarding ff7 gold saucer mini game than plunder storm

It’s just so so bad.

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Moon Guard is the largest one for Alliance.


some people are so inherently disagreeable!

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I’ve gone back to Classic and honestly am having so much fun that I don’t think I’ll be returning to retail for season 2.

Agree 1000%. Had Elbow surgery Dec 30 and not working. Have been able to do all the weeklies on my 80s and been leveling alts. Unfortunately can only use 1 hand so I can’t do delves but have been doing some LFR. It’s been great being able to do so much but I’m still leaving at least 50% on the table. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Leveling and gearing up alts, doing transmog runs, and finally going back to old content and doing it because I was unsubbed when it was current. With 20 years of content in the game it’s honestly not too hard for me to find something to do.


I hear that. Im going for loremaster. It took me a long time to embrace the Warband. But now that i can do it with a PVE toon im actually enjoying myself.

Leveling the stuff I don’t have 80 and playing other games

Playing hardcore

I’m so lucky to be disabled. :frowning:


Finish the items needed for Thrayer mount.
I kinda didnt understand how renown/story was working in Az kahet, so I just didn’t engage with that content for awhile so now that I get it im working that.
Lastly I suck at dodging mechanics so im still working Zekvir. (Ps decline my mythic invite request if you want to time )