Anduin is broken

Well everyone who purchased Shadowlands feels the same way


Yup, he’s a sissy and a fraction the man his father was.

lol Anduin played shadowlands, that’s exactly what went wrong.


That is the most sane post you’ve made all week.

He needs to man up and stop crying like a baby in every cinematic.


I think he had Arthas’ memories stuck in his head. So, he all that going on in his head. Anduin is very schizophrenic right now.


I just wanna give props to the cinematics team, because I wasn’t even getting uncanny valley vibes from the characters. Straight up just felt like I was watching really good acting.

IDK I’ve always liked Anduin as a character, and even if the story sucked for a little while, this felt really good to watch. I’m glad that wasn’t his exit from the franchise, I want to see my “Son of the Wolf” Anduin in-game one day, even if that storyline was scrapped.


Two years?!


Maybe writers are setting him up to be the Arthas everyone in the lore wanted Arthas to be. Someone who overcomes their darkness and channels his sadness, rage, and frustration into becoming a hero.


Everything old is new again. I wrote this elsewhere on these forums, but Turalyon is to Anduin, what Anduin Lothar was to Varian decades ago; and the Sword in the Sand is like “this generation’s” Dark Portal.

So the writers wanting another go at other similar narrative beats makes sense to me. Now that they can explore them in an MMORPG and not an RTS.

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If I was a raidboss in Shadowlands I’d lose all self respect too…


According to some other poster though, he didn’t go through anything really. smh :roll_eyes:


LOL. The only thing more traumatizing is not knowing about Goldshire and then finding out firsthand.

He fought a war. Had to kill some people. Which I highly doubt he liked.

His body was hijacked by a cosmic being. And being forced to do unimaginable things must be difficult to deal with emotionally and psychologically.


Wait a second, wouldn’t bringing Anduin around this void stuff be a bad idea for his condition? :robot::bangbang:

Then Anduin went missing again for three years before Dragonflight. :flashlight::robot:

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Anduin is broken

Well fix him Dear Henry!

Not sure why you chose KirinTor for a paladin xmog but the outfit is pretty great

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Helping him come back from that would be another reason to play (and probably is a significant story within) The War Within.

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And this will be my soundtrack playing the expansion the first couple of hours:

Poor devil, I think he is drawing too much attention to other characters who did suffer, like his father, Bolvar, Varok, Thrall himself, ARTHAS… so much so as to reflect on today’s young people as a disappointing crybaby.

see, find the memes, ANDUIN IS A MEME, a bad meme look thats, look… in each twitter, is literally a meme.