Anduin Fight, what's up?

For some players & raid teams it is not that hard. For others, it is. If it’s easy for you, then help players who are having difficulty instead of telling them it’s really not that difficult.

That’s what the OP is asking for, help. Instead, every player who says normal is easy, is basically telling the OP they and their raid team sucks.


i mean without any logs or something to see whats going wrong all we have to go off of is

or this.

but we have no like actual evidence of whats really happening

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how is anduin an end boss when there are 2 after him

I agree. Gear has been all over the place this expansion, though, because it’s so complex and people have vastly different amounts of time to play. We have people who run mythics but their conduits or legendaries are behind because they don’t do Torghast and we have people maxed all their legendaries and conduits in world pve but don’t really run mythics. It’s never been this much ‘all over the place’ before.

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Tips for Anduin… Apologies if I mix any heroic mechanics in. If I did, just ignore the blurb.

  • Mark star locations on the left/right. Tell people to run stars to one of those markers, and tell everyone else not to be in the way. Stack close-ish to anduin for everyone else.

  • Call blasphemy early. People need to spread out immediately. Tell your purple folks to find a yellow immediately. Tell your yellow folks to stand still for 3-4s, then they too can start moving. Tell your tanks if they get hit with a blasphemy color to call it out. That one circle in the middle of the visual mess that is melee range is easy to not see.

  • If two screw up blasphemy, two more will suffer for it. On normal, tell them to pop a defensive cooldown… they might survive.

  • A druid can root (mass entanglement, entangling roots) two of the further adds downstairs. Keeps them around and not a problem until after everything is dead. If you’re not getting everything dead downstairs, consider telling people to hold a cooldown or two for when its their turn to go down. A balance druid can swiftmend/regrowth one of the healy adds to about half full almost immediately.

  • During phase 3, call groups to clear. Not sure what the debuff is like on normal, but if everyone clears immediately, you’re probably going to melt. Group 1 go, debuff falls off, group 2 go, debuff falls off, group 3 go, etc. Try and let your melee people go first. They don’t have a lot of space to work with, and losing their dps due to needing to spread won’t help.


It sounds like your better players are carrying the others to the detriment of your group overall.
I understand why and even think it’s great they do this to an extent. But the flip side of that type of group is the players who aren’t good won’t improve much if at all because the need doesn’t exist.


Bite? I wasn’t even being antagonistic :confused: If I had access to OPs logs I can be a bit more constructive but going off of what they said it’s definitely the case that at that gear level, people are bad/a weak link. Not all but some, it is a mechanics check.


While this is a fair point I definitely wanna echo the point of a previous post that while it’s sometimes okay for the good players to compensate for the weak links, fights like anduin definitely shed light on the issues with that, and it can feel like a brick wall. If you’re dying to blasphemy its something that is purely on the player to respond to, if not, poof you’re dead. Best advice I have is to call it early, also if boss is moving a lot, it definitely might be a tank issue.

Spread out for blasphemy and remove your debuffs by running into players of the opposite debuff. Combining like debuffs will kill people instantly.

Every time Anduin creates a pool, everyone should stand in it (unless they are near death). Healing them shrinks the pool. If you don’t shrink it down to nothing it will explode and wipe the raid.

Anduin will sometimes send out void stars. They don’t do a ton of damage but they will silence everyone they hit. All healers and melee dps need to be behind Anduin. Anyone targeted with a void star needs to run off to the side. Don’t let the void star hit your healers. If you time it right, you can dodge the void stars and take no damage.

Your team should be divided into two groups. The groups will take turns going into the blade. Once inside, healers must heal the non aggressive mobs while dps must kill the hostile mobs. This is the most important part of the fight as being perfect in the blade will give you a massive dps boost for the Arthas phase.

When Arthas is summoned, pop lust. Make sure to kill all the adds that appear before your buff wears out. Any damage that you do to Arthas is doubled to Anduin. The goal is to do enough damage to Arthas that you get Anduin down to 10%. This will take two Arthas phases. The second Arthas phase will feature rows of skeltons that march across the battlefield and need to be avoided. Ranged dps need to stay away from the edges of the area as the skeletons may appear right on top of them.

After the first Arthas phase, you go back to fighting Anduin as before, but with adds that must be interrupted and killed. If they get a cast off it will wipe your raid.

At 10%, Anduin will give everyone the blasphemy debuff, but everyone will have the same type so you can’t clear by touching someone else. Everyone will need to run into the center of the floor to clear the debuff, but you must do it one at a time because each clear causes raid wide damage.

The fight is healer centric. We couldn’t do it with two healers. We did it with three and really could have made it easier with four. Several of the mechanics will cause a wipe and must be done perfectly. If you have people dead during the Arthas phases, you likely won’t have enough damage to drain Anduin down to 10%. Once you get to the final phase (Anduin below 10%), you can lose a few people and still win, but not before. If you lose people to blasphemy early on, just wipe and start over. The ghouls that show up during the Arthas phase will put a healing absorption debuff on everyone they hit. Killing them as quickly as possible is the only way to survive.

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he’s not bad at all - care to elaborate your main source of wipes?

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It’s been nerfed several times. Your team is just going to have to learn to do mechanics.

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right now, with the Jailer being nerfed, Anduin actually is standing out as the tallest nail, sadly.

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By this point? That’s an excuse.

There’s actually three, but anyway…

Sepulcher was initially going to be two raids, with Anduin being the end boss of the first one.

Then, in true Blizz fashion, common sense was discarded and the panic button was pushed, and behold - Sepulcher in its current state.

They just decided to leave Anduin as was initially intended (nerfs aside etc) rather than make him a general raid boss.

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so was there supposed to be a 2 boss raid ? like in bfa

Not 100% sure tbh. Not sure if they had more bosses lined up in the second half.

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No one knows how many, and it’s only speculation but most likely instead of 11 it would have been like 7 and 7… so a few more filler bosses added.

Good change we could have seen some sort of Denathrius fight for example.

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i believe Anduin was supposed to end 9.2 and the jailer was to be part of 9.3 which got condensed down into the Sepulcher instead when players asked for a new expansion.

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denathrius should have been the bad guy

plus he is voiced by final fantasy 15’s own prince noctis


OP, you’ve gotten some very good tips so I won’t repeat them.

It seemed crazy chaotic to me at first but there really is an organized dance underneath it all. Beyond the random targets of the stars, you are doing the same thing each time….it just feels like your hair is on fire. Lol.

My RL broke it down into steps when we first learned it so was like; Run in to soak (everyone does something for it) and then he calls “ready to spread” for Blasphemy and then group 1 get ready to go down
So basically, I’m running in and casting Exhilaration and get ready to run back out and as soon as I match my color I’m hearing my group is going down next and I move back in.

I find now that I’m standing in the same areas at the same time times for most pulls minus running for the stars.

And the tanks are also going specific locations as well.

Break it down to segments and you see the pattern and it’s less overwhelming.