Anduin and the title of "supreme commander of the Alliance" (spoiler)

To be fair, have you seen the fandom?


I don’t get this at all… everywhere we go there are Humans. They are front and center, and then you have Anduin, Jaina, Shaw all taking up screentime. Humans get the most of everything in WoW.

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Anduin: Literally does nothing on his own and is used as Saurfang’s Krillin.

Jaina: Primarily used throughout BfA, prior to that however she was a supporting character whom the Leader of the Alliance or if they needed someone to either say “give peace a chance” or “burn the Horde” depending on the mood.

Shaw: Use picked up in BfA and I’m quite pleased with that.

Of the three mentioned at least, Anduin has hilariously done the least and never in a story of his own. Jaina faired better but this was the result of them finally putting a end to a story that should have ended 6 years ago. Shaw is a good example of someone finally getting some screentime after doing mostly nothing since Vanilla, but up until now he was never a main character.

So I suppose I should amend my complaints a bit. Only recently they’ve shown they are willing to try and care. It remains to be seen if they actually do (and that’ll largely depend on what they plan to do with Turalyon and Anduin). But even then. We don’t really learn anything new about humanity. Stormwind itself. Or anything of the sort.

When they throw Jaina into something, its so they don’t have to bother coming up with anything, because she’s already done so less effort on their part. When they toss Anduin in its again, because they don’t have to do anything or explain anything, just put him in and fart something out. If they actually cared they’d either use other characters, or have the characters actually do something.


Personally I find humans much more interesting than elves in a fantasy setting.


Says the Blood Elf.


Honestly, it’s a little of Column A, a little of Column B, between what you and Daiza are saying. They don’t care so much about the Alliance, except as spectators. Be it spectators of a neutral story, like Legion, or spectators (and initial victims) of the Horde’s story of soul searching, like Cata-MoP and BfA. It’s just that, 9 times out of 10, when the camera does pan over to the spectators: Humans.


Hm. That’s a fairly accurate summation of the whole thing.


(Humor): Denathrius refers to Garrosh as his, ‘ol reliable,’ and has him milked on a daily basis. Sounds pretty gae to me. I just never knew Garrosh was Team Edward.

(Disclaimer): The only solace Unit Exacitor takes in having typed out, ‘Team Edward,’ is that he had to actually look up the name first.

Please read this thread. You only need to read the first post, and I do hope you like cynicism.

Do you want this for your race? Do you want only superman-like-characters? Do you want TWO of your FOUR starting zones being filled with memes and plot-references? Do you want human potential for your favorite races? Because if you really want to then be my guest, because then maybe Stormwind finally gets some real lore instead of being reduced to robotic servants without ideals, without story, without background.

I absolutely despise the whole “human potential”-crap. The humans of Stormwind have suffered like no other race in the entire game. No lore, no story, no background, no idea about culture or ideals, no background on their organizations. Nothing at all.

The only important characters? Superman-like-characters who not only steal the spotlight from others but from their very own race. You can replace the humans of Stormwind with robots and nothing would change. (And the god damn droids from Star Wars Clone Wars have more personality than the people of Stormwind.)

But, please if you want this for your race: Be my guest.