Anduin: A flat good-guy arc is just as boring as a flat villainous arc

im honestly surprised any side effects of getting crushed by the divine bell not being shown unless they do it in the books

It’s shown in the books… that it gave him a Spider-Sense for morality. If he’s about to do something wrong, his bones hurt.

Anduin can do no wrong.


This is why he’s a crap character.

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He’s a weak momma’s boy who couldn’t handle his father’s masculine presence and reputation. His peace stand only got worse overtime and I blame Golden for this. It’s a cliche with female writers and wussified male protagonists.

How can he be a momma’s boy when his mother is dead?

Golden is his momma.


Now you’ve done it.

Lightforged Tiffin inbound. That is, if Calia/Jaina aren’t the jealous type.


There are far worse characters and plots at the moment besides Anduin. The worst you can say about him is that he is bland but I find nothing he did in the expansion worth getting terribly upset about.

I will say this was the expansion to make him into something respectable but they clearly dropped the ball. Aside from BTS he was doing okay, lets not forget he was integral in supporting the attack on Zul’dazar and Stromgarde and Lordaeron. He made it clear that peace was never possible until Sylvanas was brought to justice. He hated it but he was fighting the war for his people. It’s his forgiving attitude of both him and Jaina after Sylvs retreat that makes him suck now.