And Azeroth?

What is going on over there while we are bopping around in the SL? I’m assuming the portal to Org isn’t canon so we’re stuck on the other side. I’m excited to see how this gets updated next patch. Have Turalyon and Alleria started torturing dissidents with a void/light combo? Is Lorth’Remar a doting boyfriend to Thalyssra?


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The portal is canon. Apart from the fact that it’s… there, and you’re instructed to help open it, there’s at least one quest that I know of that requires you to go back to Azeroth to get stuff.

Azeroth presumably recovering from the recent conflicts and trying to maintain stability with half of their leaders MIA.


In addition, various NPCs from Azeroth have been coming over to Oribos, ones who are most certainly still alive. New NPCs seem to be coming in every week. For example, I saw Grifta yesterday talking to the Brokers, and he most certainly was not there the week before.

Taylor, Old Emma, and Dezco are all there as well. Not to mention the very much part of cannon, even if I wish one was not, Calia and Taelia are both in Oribos as well who came in from Azeroth.

Many of these people (Old Emma especially) are not combat veterans, or the kind of people who could have come to this place any other way except through a peaceful method, such as the Orgrimmar / Stormwind Portals.

While there may be an event later that ‘causes’ us to get temporally disjointed, right now it seems there is no unusual passage of time between Oribos and Azeroth.


As much as I wish it were otherwise, this fact is probably the absolute nail in the coffin of any timeskip hypothesis. If there was any difference in the passage of time between realms, we’d know about it by now.


Or they’ll just say there was a time difference and this making no sense in that context will just be ignored.

Pretty sure Blizzard is setting up Turalyon to be a warmongerer. He has strong alliance sympathies being a veteran of the old wars and with the power vacuum left behind with the Forsaken and Scourge gone, you can expect some form of reconquest to be greenlit to reform the Kingdoms around Lordaeron. Only seems natural that him and Greymane would see eye to eye on the matter. Blizzard refusing to allow faction crossplay only cements my intuition that they still have plans for the faction war.

Well without the murder hobos to curb their population the number of Murloc’s has exploded and they’ve taken over Azeroth. It’s a prelude to the next expansion where Murloc’s quest to defeat us and we are essentially the raid bosses as teams of 25 Murloc’s of varying skill and gear quality try to kill us to steal our loot.


I’ve thought about this too especially with the way Alleria and Turalyon interact with random forsaken/orcs out in Arathi and other places in the most recent novel. They torture them to get basically useless information out of them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are leading some campaign against loyalists as a way to corral dissidents of the Alliance or members of the Horde. Setting up the tyranny of the light and void for next expac.

I hope such an an expansion isn’t part of a new way to villain bat the Horde through the Sunwell.

Its a thought that has been on my mind as well. I will say however, that with the reason given why the majority of the Alliance leadership did not want to commit to wiping out the Horde after the 4th war … the Alliance lacks the power as is to do what Doom is suggesting. Turaylon could be made into an antagonist of some level, but I genuinely do think that he would require the aid of a group like the Lightbound and Yrel to tip the scales in the Alliance’s favor enough to have the Blues commit. Though, him being backed by the House of Nobles and a pocket Dreadlord … could also play into it.

Though, with how sketch those AU Lightbbound and their Light Mother are … that deal with the unknown devil will turn out poorly for everyone. Likely leading us into a Light Cosmology Expac.

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