You want to know what would really be a solution?The conflict would be gladly started in Lordaeron. Turalyon and Calia are fighting to reclaim their homeland. It goes all the way to Undercity, caught cold by this attack, but the Forsaken still manage to hold on until the arrival of the alliance army loyal to their alliance partner. In the end, Sylvanas destroys Undercity to spite Calia and Turalyon into the face. In Kalimdor finally the counterattack. The night elves and worgen and draenei manage to hold on to the border between Darkshore and Ashenvale. There a frontline is formed, the first warfront.
There is a back and forth, without a clear winner and the death toll rises. Meanwhile, Sylvanas knows she has Teldrassil to destroy, so she secretly joins forces with Azshara and leads a small troop of her Darkrangers. She was able to sneak past the front line. Together with Azshara, she eventually destroys Teldrassil and the genocide happens. Shocked by the sight, the defenders’ morale collapses and they are forced into retreat. Darkshore is occupied and the defenders retreat back into the wilderness. There, seized by blind rage, Tyrande becomes a Night Warrior. Inspires the hearts of worgen, night elves, and draenei alike. The counterattack begins, the warfront begins anew, but this time more terrible than ever. With insane speed, the horde is beaten back further and further.
Saurfang, shocked by the events, senses that something is wrong, even Sylvanas explanation doesn’t quite make sense to him (Azerith blown up, unstable!), but he only finds out the truth in Nazjatar (He had been sent there first to die, secondly it was all the great plan of Sylvanas and Azshara. ). This ignites the rebellion, the Horde sees that it is only a tool, a tool for mass murder, it is not about peace! The Horde does not want to be that. Anduin - who until then coordinated the war in Kul’Tiras and the eastern Kingdoms - is finally consulted and confronted with the truth. All this serves only one purpose: the factions should destroy each other, but the war is too hot, the hatred too great. in the first second, he don´t even believe it.
But there is still a problem. The former defenders, led by the Night Warrior, beat the Horde back to Azshara. But none other than Sylvanas comes to the aid of the Horde. No matter how terrible and terrifying she has done, she cares about the Horde, in her own way. So she fights against Tyrande. IN an epic first battle of hunger for more powerwoman fight, it comes to a draw. Weakened, both must retreat. Finally, on the other sides of Orgrimmar, the resistance slowly fights its way to Orgrimmar. Saurfang challenges Sylvanas to the Mak’gora to atone for her actions, he dies in the attempt, but proves her true colors, that she was only using the Horde, a tool of murder!
She finally disappears with the words, “The horde is nothing!”