An Apology

Have you read this thread that already happened get over it that you’re not in the cool kids club and never will be


If you want the thread to disappear (and me to disappear for a month again) just say:



Todd Howard come back!

I respect everyone’s right to be wrong but no. Well, I think coward of the highest order is too high a claim, I think he’s the perfect example of why neutrality doesn’t really get you anywhere but I genuinely think he tries to maintain said neutrality for his people. He’s like the only Jarl if you go off of Irileth chastising him who goes out of his way to try to spend time with the common folk, not to mention his open defiance of the White Gold Concordat.

Also, c’mon, Idgrod?? She says “I stand with Morthal” just like Balgruuf says “I’m on the side of Whiterun” when pressed. You wanna talk about not doing anything her city is being actively turned into vampiric thralls, citizens murdered, buildings set on fire, the local wizard about one week of no-protagonist intervention from getting lynched, and her stance is “Yo, yeah I’m psychic but who am I to say this guy actually did it.”

Sure she does the usual blank prophecy mumbo-bumbo of “Soon Skyrim will have bigger problems to deal with woooEEEeeeeOOOooo” but so do half the NPCs in Skyrim.


Hey it worked!

I do admit I like that he only accepts the aid of Legionnaires on his own terms . Tullius has a way of taking over and kind of ignoring the concerns of the Jarls. Elisif is a prime example of this. Balgruuf puts his foot down and ensures that things are done HIS way, as HE is the ruler of Whiterun. I think that’s neat. It’s why I still think he’d make a good High King - he’d put the needs of his people above the needs of the War Effort.

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Just for the record, this was exactly what I was wary of when I originally criticized your apology. “Geez, I already said sorry, stop bringing up old news!” after less than two weeks really speaks volumes about how remorseful you actually were.

If you truly believe what you did was wrong, then you have to accept the fact that you don’t get to decide when people are no longer allowed to hold it against you.


this is like the only drama thread I’ve commented on and like the 4th thread I’ve even participated in on the WrA forums

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Judas goats, Judas goats everywhere.

More like Judas Priest! :metal:

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wait a minute

aren’t you Annexious’s friend?


He the one who sent willy picks to guildies?

gonna have to narrow it down, there’s been a bunch of those.

Oh I expect it, but I’m not gonna have someone come in here and claim their opinion to be fact.

Among other things. Many other things.


Why the hate for Free Willy it was a good movie :frowning:


Personally, I hate when people make affirmative normative statements. What kind of bimbo does that?

It’s all about how you word it huh? See what I did thar?

Who is Annexious, and why is he so popular?

Google him.

Oh! Did he go by Forte by chance? I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting them.