An Apology

Return the Reach to the Reachmen! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!

I mean, okay. Personally, when I don’t want strangers to comment on posts, I don’t put that post on a public forum.

Comment all you like, just don’t claim something that’s not true because it’s your opinion.

You still making trap jokes, bud?

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Actually if you bothered looking into the actual matter at hand you’d know I never made any trap jokes(And I never have). I posted an insensitive dark meme on a discord server, I promptly deleted said meme from my pc and left that discord where I posted it to distance myself. After apologizing mind you. Again, comment all you like. Though I recommend doing some actual research before you make any claims about me. Kkthx

“Actually, I was making fun of black people, not trans people” is an interesting deflection

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At this point you’re just grasping at straws, trying to make an argument out of something that’s been as far as I’m concerned; resolved and has been buried by Todd Howard. You can try to poke all the holes you want, what’s done is done. If you can’t take what I’ve said with sincerity then nothing I do beyond what I’ve already done will satisfy you. Kindly move along.

I’m not really looking to be satisfied, I just always find these “I promise I’m not actually that sort of person!” apologies to be very entertaining.

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Ah so you’re just a troll, have a nice day.

Hot take: Jarl Balgruuf is a coward of the highest order.

In a time during which lines have been drawn and Nordic blood spilt, Balgruuf was the last remaining “neutral”, refusing to give actual support to either side of the conflict.

More then that, everything you have to do to secure his support in the quest to stop Alduin. The man wrings his hands so much it’s a wonder they don’t pop off. He relies on his Dunmer Housecarl to remotely do anything of value within his hold, otherwise content to just sit in Dragonsreach with his bratty children complaining about current events without taking a principled stand.

Idgrod Ravencrone is the only Jarl who actually makes sense when you talk to her. Which is ironic since everyone talks about how nutty she and her family are with their visions. Yet I personally feel out of everyone in Skyrim, she’s the only one to truly understand the stakes at play.

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True but he has a cool beard

Idgrod is amazing though, she’s no joke my favourite. My Skyrim character actually married her daughter, Idgrod the Younger, and lives in Windstad Manor near Morthal :stuck_out_tongue:


Glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks Idgrod is the best.

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Interesting way to say racist


I mean sure? You here to kick up some more dust too?

Hard to kick up dust when you poo’d all over the floor

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wouldn’t that make it easier to kick up dust? like, it would be attached to the floor-poo. it’d have much more mass and be easier to kick.


Please delete this

I’m not the one talking about going around the place throwing doodoo like a god d*ng chimpanzee hopped up on allergy medication.

Monky is cute:) I like ikea monky

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you’re going to now observe the same 3-8 people who kick up a spatter on all other threads like this do the same thing on your thread with righteous indignation.

you said what you had to for the reasons you felt necessary and you’re never going to please everyone, so i’d just shrug and move on at this point.

oh, and
there is no forum cabal

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