An Apology

I’m mad at you

thou hast been out jousted, squire gwyn




Eldar are boring and have stupid helmets.


the name changes, but the tune doesn’t. I myself have contributed to these cycles.

Dawnblood, how dare!?

This means (civil) war.

Ave Dominus Nox vile xenos!

Oh, please. Your dad was a Batman with multiple personality disorder and a bad habit of manifesting Marquis de Sade.

Look I don’t like to be the spelling and grammar police but DAMN how did you spell General Tullius THAT wrong?

You say all those things like it is supposed to be a bad. Sounds legit cool to me.

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… that’s fair.

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Slaanesh is the best Chaos God. I had that in my TRP like a year ago just for fun and would get near-daily whispers on how Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeentch was actually the best. Sometimes even the Horned Rat. It was fun!

Besides, Adepta Sororitas are way cooler than space marines.

Purge the worlds in righteous flame, sisters.


Autai was the supplier of exotic gnomes for Elisande.

… Why did Elisande need gnomes?

Gnomes are the veal of humanoids.

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Who doesn’t need a gnome?

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The gnomes do not need to be around if they lack purpose!

Look all I’m saying is that Gnomes may or may not be the best for sacrificial rituals. The Nightwell demanded beings of high intelligence and snark so we supplied gnomes.

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Accurate statement. In a setting composed 100% of old tropes, Badass Action Girl is possibly best, least offensive trope to be.