An Apology

oh holy crap

Yeah. Like I’m not going in on you or going to go in here on this post because I’m mad at you at all. It’s just like - going through these screencaps teleported me back to 2009 era internet. I dunno about trying to “make peace” or strike up the initiative or set a place for them at the table of discussion.

EDIT: In hindsight, I should’ve tossed out like 2006 or 2007 but I’m also old and don’t know where time goes.

That’s fair. To be honest, I was considering weaving in some of books from 40k into my audio listening I do while delivery driving (currently on book 10 of Wheel of Time, Book 2 of the Drizzt series because why not, and had one other book series otherwise lined up). My extent of 40k comes from whatever youtube videos I see (also the Space Marine video game), and thus I have no idea where I want to start (Last Church sounds like it might be a decent listen, if nothing else).

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If you want t start tackling the Black Library, there really is nowhere better to start then “Horus Rising” from the Horus Heresy series for the backstory, and then if you want to get a sense of where the setting is in a “modern” context, Chris Wraight’s “Watchers of the Throne: Emperor’s Legion” followed by “Dark Imperium” and “Plague War”.

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If you want to start a war with a 40K Stan, tell them that the Spesh Mahrines should have been all women instead of men and get yourself a see-thru face mask, cause there’s gonna be some serious spitting going down.


I mean I can rationalize it on basis of setting, but yeah. There are some folks out there where the idea of Female Marines just offends them on a spiritual level.

I try not to associate with those people.

How dare women exist in any role but sexy fanservice?! MUH SPEHSS MUHREHNS

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Sadly that could work for some of us, but to start a war with me you’d simply have to tell me that my Lorde of Change mini doesn’t look good in mauve.

because mauve is the color of that transgender eldar miscarriage god/dess instead of the RIGHTFUL GOD OF HOPE AND MUTATION

Wait this topic is still going? LETS GET TO A THOUSAND!!!

We already got there two days ago. I was 1000th post and I’ll do it again too

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Not if I get there first.

I’ve gotten zero RP backstories for 1000 comments. Unacceptable.

The 1000th post has to be about Skyrim or I will ugly-cry IRL you have been warned

Can the 1000th (round deaux) be about your Skyrim character’s Rp background?



Start an argument about how the Stormcloaks are secretly the good guys and the Empire is evil. That’ll do it.

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Don’t do this to me

Claudius Carvain, younger brother of Count Desilus Carvain of Bruma (I use Beyond Skyrim), sick of politics and wanting to go on ADVENTURES, left Cyrodiil behind in order to explore some of the world for himself, rather than read about it in books!

That’s all there is to it, Dragonborn. It’s very cliche but I have fun with it!

I vary it a bit each time but my first ever character was an Imperial named Claudius and when I played Bruma I thought “wouldn’t it be cool if like, fleeing Cyrodiil illegally and getting caught was the reason he was on that cart”. Then I needed a reason and boom, my Dragonborn’s a bored noble with no hope of claiming a title who seeks a life of adventure (and ultimately joins the companions because AWOOO)



Hitmeeee bavy