An Apology

Is the Dark Brotherhood set akin to the Defias Brotherhood set? Maybe it needs an update :thinking:

I like the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies.

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Oh God, the Dark Angels books are the worst of the worst. Nobody over there has any idea what to do with the corner they wrote themselves into on that one. Also showcases how much of a problem GW has with scale, though not as bad as when they have Ultramarines at literally every engagement in the galaxy.

EDIT: Ciaphas Cain is also worth it for the sheer over the topness. I wish I could recommend some good Ork related writing, but I can’t because it doesn’t exist.

Nothing is too over the top when the HERO OF THE IMPERIUM is at play!


Or maybe it’s not too over the top enough!

Phil Kelly opened up a potential avenue there, with War of Secrets. Some pretty damn big implications dropped there.

Probably, I haven’t read it. I’ve basically checked out of anything Marine related after Primaris were introduced due to them being extra dumb on a conceptual level.

I’d recommend it. Especially if you aren’t a fan of the Marines, because you get to watch a hell of a smackdown.

Spoilers for the book if you want Basically, a Fallen Sorcerer decides the Angels of Absolution are a bunch of posers for not participating in the Dark Angels secret civil war despite being part of the Unforgiven, so unleashes a Chaos tainted psychic plague on their Chapter Homeworld after testing it out on a Gue'vesa protectorate of the ill fated Fourth Sphere Expansion of the Tau.

So long and short of it, the Dark Angels and the Tau come to a mutual understanding, and provide the Tau with a means of tracking those infected by the plague in the form of a servo skull. They then agree to wipe out the Gue’vesa Colony World if the Tau will wipe out the Angels of Absolution’s homeworld (and by extension, they themselves).

So bring in the horror that is the Dark Angels using Imperial Bureaucracy to condemn an entire planet to freeze to death (Mining colony that’s evacuated every few months of the year as it exits the systems’ habitation zone). That doesn’t work thanks to the Primaris DA recruits but that’s not the cool part of the book.

The cool part of the book is getting to see the Third Student of Puretide - driven absolutely BONKERS by being kept in a incomplete stasis that preserved his body while keeping his mind active - basically soloing an entire Space Marine Chapter on their home turf.

Long and short of it is the Angels of Absolution Chapter Master has to call down an Orbital Strike on his own position just to stop this lunatic Tau, and even then only manages to scrap his Ghostkeel. But inside the Ghostkeel is the Servo Skull device given to the Tau by the Dark Angels…with obvious Dark Angel markings on it.

See, that’s exactly the corner I was talking about. Apart from some throwaway text in the codex they never attempt to show who the Dark Angels are apart from The Hunt. Despite incredibly limited numbers and them being spread across all of space and time, they somehow always find a Fallen at any battle they’re at.

I mean, Luthor’s recruitment and training programs had been increasing at exponential rates, and there he was supplying a Legion. By the time Luthor turned and stopped sending the Lion reinforcements, he by all rights had a Legion strength force all his own.

So while it does seem absurd the Fallen keep popping up out of the woodwork, keep in mind there ARE a lot of them to do so.

Want to buy more Alpha Legion cameos ;(

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That’s fine, but ten thousand years is a long time and the galaxy is big place. The fluff for them has historically mentioned that actually finding a Fallen is rare and that there’s a lot of undescribed investigation that goes into finding them. Somehow, though, they don’t seem to have any battles without the Fallen involved. It just gets tiresome and highlights how bad they are with scale.

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Space Marines. While my main army is Orks I do have a 17k point Dark Angels army that I’ve played since just prior to third edition. I’m just a little over Space Marines – on of the smallest fighting forces of the Imperium – getting the entirety of the attention for the franchise and half of the release schedule.

Anyways, long story short that’s why I’ve done more Battletech recently.

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Ah the Alpha Legion. A Legion so schemey they’ve forgotten exactly what they’re schemeing. Only that they are.

That’s fine. Their genesires were both brainwashed by Xenos Psykers into killing off their entire race, so it’s for the best really.

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RIP Warhammer, Age of Sigmar was too soon, I still need to finish the Horus Heresy.

Speaking as someone who really came into the Fantasy/AoS sphere via the Total War Warhammer games…I do get why Games Workshop killed off Fantasy in favor of AoS (Though I don’t disagree AoS came out of the oven too soon).

Playing on Mortal Empires, you really do realize how little these factions truly do interact with one another to make for a real compelling tabletop war game.

I mean, part of the reason End Times was so bad is that in order to even do a story like that, meant making characters act out of character just to get something happening. That and that ending.

“Okay, this story is going to end the setting.”
“So our heroes are going to lose at the end.”
“Makes sense to me.”
“So how’s the narrative outline going?”
“We’ve got mortal avatars of the Winds of Magic ready to utterly destroy Chaos!”
“So they’re going to win?”
“…but we need to end the setting. So they need to lose.”

Mannfred> WILDCARD! Stabs Gelt and ruins everything

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I wonder if it was due to lack of oversight or management. I’d feel terrible as a Junior forced to write and come up short with what became the End Times.

Mannfred still is the worst Vampire.

He can’t help it, since he’s best known for being Blinded By The Light.

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This is pretty neat. Reminds me of those videos of megalithic mysteries found in Egypt and the America’s.

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