An Apology

what do you know about that kitchen life when we was pitching white, mon’keigh?

eldar are cool and my favorite faction (and the corsairs and drukhari) but they do my man Khaine so wrong in almost all literature/vidya games

ps eldar for most of warhammer fans are the equivalent to elves to blizzard: they have a frothing hatred for them because space marines are the end all be all to them unless you’re a weeb-commie tau player

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Hey guys so I had the unfortunate experience to read this forum, but I felt it may be on the best interest of those like myself, who thought this was an apology about BFA, to come in and comment. I think (I say this tentatively as I do not know everyone here) that everyone is on the same side that we dislike, disdain, and hate the idea of any specific group of people being targeted, slandered, or hurt in any way. It deteriorates the mental health of others, and does not “Fill their bucket” for those like myself who pursue the route of education and get that book reference. Please remember that someone IRL cares about someone here, and we should instead of putting each other down, lift each other up to remember that at the end of the day that we should not divide ourselves on the idea that hate comments are not something we, as those who try to appreciate everyone, abide by because the fact is we all disagree with the idea of hateful comments towards any group and vehemently wish to see it rectified. I do not know all the details, but this also goes into other forms of hatred. Ive seen people on this forum detest, throw hate at each other, the original poster, and even feels a bit on themselves. I will not say the anger is unexpected, unprecedented, but please remember part of our role, I hope some agree, as people is when someone falls we help them on the right path or at least give them some advice, some advice harsher than others, in hopes of becoming a better person as a whole. I never saw what was posted which started this thread or apology, i appreciate the apology nonetheless, and I hope that those who have been hurt by it one day can come to forgive the original poster. This does mean there is ALOT of growth to be had though. To many of us it is common knowledge not to throw hateful or derogatory stuff around. It does nothing but undermines the work different groups have pushed for through the years to create a positive environment and be accepted. I hope everyone in here feels loved by someone and if not know that I am giving you best of wishes in your positive endeavors, cause we all have different lives, different struggles, different strengths, and different weaknesses. As for the comments I was seeing about guilds. I have noticed different guilds get different flack, for whatever reason I am not entirely sure of. Please remember do not judge the many for the actions of a few. Do not label an entire group for what one person has done, instead sit with them, break bread, and discuss. Find ways of mutual improvement for them, for yourself, for the server, and maybe in a way itll lead to a healthy improvement IRL. You can dislike certain people in other guilds, you may dislike how an organizations in game structure is, but if you hate on people because of the guild above their name, how does that make you as a person look? Unless they, as an organization, as a whole, have made a public statement endorsing a viewpoint or opinion that you disagree with, that should be the time to say your disagreement with the whole, but if not please please please. I implore just as we would do irl, we research, ask questions, sate curiousity and strive for better understanding, so we can learn to navigate on our journey that is life. I am so so so so sorry for my rambling. I hope you all have a nice day

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Never went with any of those.

I serve the Four Armed Emperor and welcome the embrace of his Star Children.

Last I checked most people hated eldar because they have a long history of being incredibly unbalanced.

matt ward

grey knights


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the most recent enjoyment I had was at the beginning of Battlefleet Gothic 2 and playing Drukhari

hekhekhek shields? who needs those when you’re the glassiest of glass cannons but also have the most cannons and generate a stealth field while you move?

…also did this thread just lose like 100 comments?

Welcome to my world.

Someone deleted my 1000th post post I really can’t believe they would delete that post and not literally any other post in this thread

Any of the posters against the behaviour of what the OP (and their friends/associates in this guild and/or Discord) is apologizing for will hopefully never even come close to the stuff in these screencaps.

With the return of the Silent King, I can’t imagine GW is going to sit on giving Vect a new model. But again, going with the Silent King, he’s not going to come cheap.

I turned my nose up at the Lumineth when I saw their pricing (Remember when everyone was griping that box was bad value? Turns out it was insanely GOOD value), and $130 for Teclis was outrageous. Then the Silent King turned up at $150 and I damn near fell out of my chair.

So I’ve got to assume when Vect does turn up again it’s going to be for a cool $200.

Just couldn’t get into the game, and I really did try. Which is sad since Trayzon and Cawl’s banter in the opening was the best. Didn’t really help matters that like a week after I picked up BFG 2 this dropped:

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Just to be clear Matt Ward is universally accepted as the worst thing to happen to Warhammer, and Vect is Dark Eldar, which is different than Eldar, and also was removed because of the awful “no model no rules policy”, which is why my warboss has like two options, despite setting wise being arguably the character that should have the most options of any character in the game.

Anyways the joke is that they’re called Kraftworld Eldar because of all the cheese.

Shhh! You’ll summon Ian Watson!

Look man I didn’t say his name three times in front of a mirror or anything.

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I have only heard of him through the TTS podcast episode.

Is he as bad as they claim?

Or does Dumpy Grimbo save the day

You’ve activated my trap card! Uno reversal!

Sampson option!

I play C.S. Goto!! Prepare for my multilasers!1!1

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He’s a byproduct of the Sci-Fi Community, pre-Internet. Where more…shall we say adult oriented…entertainment was confined to the back, inner walls of bookstores.

The man’s prose is nothing to sneeze at, and the other novel TTS comments on from him he himself claims is satirical (It was also published in 2010). He’s just from…a different era and wildly different corner of the SciFi fandom than GW courts currently.

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I’ve never wished ill of anyone over the internet before but I hope your internet connection is destroyed by hungry wildlife.


Hides behind his Josh Reynolds and Chris Wraight

Did you see that one time that someone edited his wikipedia entry so that every noun was replaced with “multilaser”? Good times.

I still stand by Matt Ward as being the worst as he had the Blood Angels brofisting Necrons, and he also wrote rules.

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I don’t remember who wrote it but the first Space Marines themed book I ever picked up opened with a scene of one of them being strapped to a table about to be interrogated and the first two pages might as well have been bodybuilding erotica.

Anyway then I found Ciaphas Cain and that is the only series they ever needed to make.

[Edit] It was Angels of Darkness by Gav Thorpe.