An Apology

I’m steve.

I go away for a day


and you buggers wrecked my Skyrim thread :rage:

We haven’t even talked about why Destroying the Dark Brotherhood is cooler than joining them :sob:


aw there are new ones?

Okay, obligatory reminder that when you’re mad that being a bigot isn’t considered cool and pretend to be mad about something else, it is always super obvious and everybody can tell exactly what you’re doing.

Carry on.

I was gone for a long weekend and this innocuous-seeming “Sorry for being a jerk” thread is over 1000 posts.

Do I even want to know

Search your heart, you know the answer.


oh man last summer my wife and I tore down the steps leading to our front door and built a 6’ x 6’ deck and new stairs and it’s awesome. I still marvel at my own handiwork when I approach it, it’s pretty nice.

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I got to sleep for the night and the fun happens without me.

I also like how Maurcia leaves and almost immediately Keynarin turns back up after leaving when Maurcia turned up.

Like, that’s the kind of antics I used to pull when I was sixteen and thought I was sooo clever.

I wanna point out how dumb it was for Astrid to not only be alone in a dilapidated shack with THE DRAGONBORN, who is known for being able to kill Dragons, Giants and entire bandit camps with the Thu’um alone, but also hands you a weapon.

I think we’ve identified why her Sect was in decline…

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Am I the only one bothered by the fact we’re unable to interact with the other captives in the shack after we kill Astrid? Like, we saved them from being assassinated and just left them tied up in the middle of a bog to succumb to dehydration.

There’s probably a mod to fix that.

It’s a Bethesda game. They need mods to be playable.

if you say racism is bad you are just as bad as the racists. my brain is mush. i eat gravel.


Eh. Having been going through the titles vanilla lately I think they stand up fine on their own. Mods help smooth over rough edges of design like Console Friendly UIs and the general bones that inevitably poke through in an engine that’s legally old enough to drink at this point.

Really the only two Bethesda titles that were absolutely unplayable at launch were New Vegas and Fallout 76. Incidentally because both were rushed out the door long, long before they were done cooking.

It’s a common gaslight.

“Take the high road.” “If you respect everyone’s viewpoint then you have to respect mine!”

Much in the same vein “The Good Old Days” translates into “When I could be a garbage human being to others and not be called out for my behavior”.

They don’t condemn the content, they condemn the fact offensive behavior is now properly branded as offensive. Full disclosure, I used to find Jeff Dunham hilarious. Then I realized how what I found funny was hurting and making certain people uncomfortable. And, not being a garbage human being myself, I came to understand exactly why that was and why that kind of humor is not okay.

I can only hope the OP took their apology to heart and understands that while humor is inevitably subjective, it’s the CONTENT of the humor that inevitably is not subjective. Like comparing Blazing Saddles to old Looney Tunes shorts from the second World War, or a specific portion of the Bugs Bunny Short involving Yosemite Sam as a Confederate.


wakes up, checks forums while eating breakfast

sees 100+ new responses to this thread


I’m still amused, and by amused I mean completely baffled, by the idea that there are people who:

  1. never post, like anything, or otherwise engage with the community, but
  2. still come to the forums regularly to read what we post, and
  3. think we’re all toxic, irredeemable monsters that make this place uninhabitable, yet
  4. only express this opinion after we’ve already made someone “unrelated” mad.

It’s a very aloof stance to take. There’s probably something to be said for the persuasive mechanics of being an outsider looking in who is above the petty squabbles of the peasants and therefore their opinion is more meaningful.

In some cases, a fresh set of eyes might be what a group needs. But when we’re discussing something pretty clear cut, more scrutiny on the finer points generally is interpreted as a red flag.

Also 9/10 times it is a regular poster who doesn’t want the backlash.


After being called some interesting names just for killing a N’zoth flagged player in Nazjatar once, nothing surprises me anymore except their willingness to be that guy/gal.

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/sticks a fake moustache on

Good morning, fellow lurkers. Can you believe the trash that these forum regulars continue to spew.

Certainly makes it uncomfortable / unapproachable for lurkers like us.


Very undignified. Back in my day (vanilla obviously) we were very orderly with our crap posts and at least typed in complete sentences!

I mean, I can kinda get that. When diving into Warhammer “for real” last year, Eldar was high on my list of potential candidate armies but their models are all very, very old. So I naturally went onto the subreddit to get a sense of what I might be getting into.

The amount of salt I encountered made me think I was at the Dead Sea, and really put me off the faction as a whole.

But in that instance, we’re talking about plastic/resin pieces for a table game. Not actual, living breathing Human Beings and their feelings as such.