An Apology

The first talent point is always the hardest. It dictates the rest of the leveling game for me


If you have Vanilla fist-weapons, and the right enchantment skins, you can run around looking like you’re punching things with fists full of fire and lightning.

Getcha weeb on, Gwyneth.


I will take this under consideration. Thank you.

I’d recommend avoiding this thread then. If you dislike bigotry and are an ally of marginalized groups, you’re not going to find a dissenting opinion among the people you are saying you dislike.

Further, though cordiality and peaceful debate is probably something we all want and strive for, you’re not going to find it here when this topic is discussed. You’re in your right to have a problem with it but you’re also not going to change anyone’s minds with your opinion on the presentation.

I’d also urge you to consider that marginalized groups who have been waiting for years for equal treatment in the world have had their own patience tested for much longer than anyone has browsing this topic or these forums. When you keep that in mind, it’s much easier to understand why tolerance for bigotry is at an all time low, and that the time to do away with old opinions has come.


The fact that posts like these will be ignored and the bigot keep going on and on and on and on and on and on that’s the problem. We literally were having not so much a problem until they arrived. Like, there’s a common denominator when it comes to threads like these

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I genuinely was never going to post in this thread until I saw the tag team morc posters at the beginning because I was going to wait for more elaborations/details to come out (if at all) about what Ruinala was talking about. Which did come later in the thread with that imgur album but I absolutely will admit I also initially came in swinging because of the people going “no don’t apologize it’s fine lol”.

Then stayed in because other like-minded - to the morcs - goons started to dig in too. I’m an idiot which makes me perfectly qualified to grapple other idiots.

I like the insinuation that it’s people who are annoying about justice and equality who are the reason we don’t have justice or equality

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I will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear

I’m dead inside and there is no justice here

Top 10 things Blizzard conveys with the announcement of Diablo 2 Reforged.

Is it possible this thread never reaches 1000 posts

enlightened centrist maurica wants the big bad forum cabal to say: “pl-please don’t use b-bigoted language, but it’s okay if you do want to because i don’t wanna be preachy.” instead of ripping apart bigots like doom guy rips apart demons.

i wonder why :thinking:

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Haha bigots are dumb.


Here you go

That’s all it takes to set you off?

If me not liking you is “set me off” yes. And all the other times you bad post on these forums

Uh oh, did I step on your turf with wrong think?

If forgiving someone whos made a sincere apology is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

You thinking this is about that is cute lol

The only way this thread can end …