An ACTUAL SOLUTION to the faction imbalance

So your solution is to force people to play together who have been fighting (those of us on pvp/WM) for years? That’ll end well, surely. :roll_eyes:

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It’s not denial. It’s the fact that this “issue” wherever present (not on every server AT ALL) is player-caused. It’s caused by CHOICE and PERSONALITY. Developers cannot force people to the other side. You’ve mentioned yourself the plethora of incentives available and still people play where they want to play.


Read the study. You’ll see why it is not up to Blizzard to fix it. I’m tired of hearing this issue, especially from people that are 99% unaffected by it. Current Racials are NOT imbalanced to make a difference, and Alliance-heavy servers have plenty of progression groups.

Lore-wise the Horde has been losing every major conflict since Wrath and lost 3 Warchiefs, 2 Commanders with their major capital invaded TWICE.

YOU (the players) continue to choose to play in dead servers, in one-sided servers, and keep complaining that Blizzard has to fix it for you.


I can imagine how “well” it could go with subtle sabotage.

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Mandating certain amounts of horde and alliance within a raid isn’t really necessary. Just allowing alliance and horde players to group together and do PVE content at all would more or less solve the problem. Growing faction disparity doesn’t actually matter if the raiding and M+ pools are shared.

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You’re really starting to spam the forums on this topic, aren’t you? And it’s yet another terrible idea that give advantages to the side that (shockingly) you play.

Cross faction grouping for PVE content is the easiest and best answer at this point. No advantages to any faction.


Funny how that worked around the end of WoD when alliance was dominating and then poof, people went to horde, clearly they decided to do that because suddenly legion horde has “choice and personality” xD


It is only going to get worse until certain players and devs admit there is an issue and they start planning on finding a solution instead of pretending it cant be fixed while they did fix it when horde was dominating


That is what people like you have been saying LITERALLY since the game launched and here we are, still playing. No problems at all. Change faction if you think it’s so imbalanced you can’t enjoy the game. You’ll see how much it does not matter AT ALL.

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but that’s wrong.

I don’t even know how you could consider what you said an exaggeration, even, when it’s just something impossible.

Since the game launched! Wowwie!

You’re not actually making a real argument. You’re just pointing fingers and saying “Na-uh!”

So where’s your proof? He provided his. There’s plenty of proof to support his claim. What’s yours? “No, you’re wrong” isn’t valid.

Edit: Oh also neither is “B-but there’s like 2 servers that are fine!”

Player choice is not anything blizzard can “solve” And cross faction play would change the entire thread of this game forever.

That’s why it’ll never happen. Also theres not a faction imbalance. I still get insta ques for dungeons, raids are plentiful, pvp insta que…like what are you pro faction merge people even talking about? Like world pvp? Who cares if you are outnumbered in word pvp - Lol the day this game is balanced around world pvp would be an incredible state of the game!

“How to fix Faction Imbalance!”

Focuses entirely on PvE raiding, does not actually touch upon what causes most faction imbalance, also follows up with this gem of a quote

Yeah, you have legitimately no idea why faction imbalance is an issue

Yes… yes there is and statements like this are the same as saying that the Earth is flat, its flat out ignoring all evidence.

Raid Hall of Fame, Horde get all 100 entries quickly and Alliance takes months upon months to catch up. In fact, when 8.1.5 was current, Alliance never got 100 Hall of Fame entries on the official WoW site. Crucible of Storms Hall of Fame ended with only 42 Alliance Clears vs the Horde’s 100.

In fact, other’s have even pointed this out.

If it were not for the fact that the 100 top Mythic Raid kills for Alliance and Horde were an OFFICIAL WoW thing, then maybe I would question its validity. The fact that the Hall of Fame system however is an official system that Blizzard put into place so after the first 100 guilds on Horde and on Alliance clear it then Mythic becomes cross realm puggable.

While yes, 8.2 both Horde and Alliance have managed to reach 100 guilds the Alliance did it at a quite noticeably slower pace and its always commented on.

And then switching over to PvP, the Horde Dominate most PvP settings to the point that the faction imbalance was so bad that Blizzard had to change how the Nazjatar PvP event worked so that if it was too imbalanced, instead of running the PvP event in Warmode it will summon a bunch of bosses around the zone.

Faction Imbalance is so blatantly obvious in game that you have to be willfully ignoring all of the signs of it at this point to say it does not exist. Even Blizzard has acknowledged it and yet you are going to sit here and say its not?

My goodness…


Your solution wouldnt work. Current system requires 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps, and most of the time everyone’s waiting 30 minutes on that 1 tank.

You’d just be screwing up queues for everyone.

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even if I can play with alliance it won’t suddenly make me want to play with bad alliance players

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But you’re also ignoring that this is a player issue and not something blizz can “solve” unless they unbalance things.

There is clearly an imbalance, but how do you suggest they force the over 2m Alliance characters at 120 to get content done? Give them an advantage? Have Horde carry them?

Or maybe it’s just a matter of people actually having the will to get things done instead of expecting for solutions to be handed to them?

Exactly, and what players are doing is moving to the Horde so they can have an easier life and make the problem worse just so certain people in denial admit it. The fact that REALITY is so hard to grasp for some people and have to think of imaginary scenarios where people dont follow the easy solution is just sad.

Honestly I cant wait till i see the Alliance dead and the people in denial crying about it when they spend hours denying it months ago xD

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the faction imbalance come from racials. which is a blizzard created problem.
Racials are the biggest factor and need redone again.

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No, mr defeatist panda. If people wants to stay on Alliance, they should start doing things on Alliance.

Show people raiding it’s not unfriendly to them, give them chances.

You know… be a good person instead of expecting Blizzard will give you an advantage.

Take it from someone who just switched to horde a week ago after being ally for 12 years(this toon mind u). What you are saying makes no sense. you want to punish people for playing what they want to, on a subscription that they PAY FOR. That is the beauty of wow, you do what you want. Faction imbalance isn’t the problem. The problem is alliance are boring, all it is.

Keep making up fictional scenarios, the vast majority of people arent gonna bother and are simply gonna move to horde with a much bigger pve scene and therefore more options therefore superior and easier.

But yeah, keep talking about how you expect people to work out more while you work less, totes rational and shows you know how humans work xD

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well spoken fat panda.

Easier solution: Remove Factions.

The Alliance is boring, but if they want to come along for the ride; let em I say.