<Amnesty> Alliance /NA/ Herod/ PvP/ Raiding /new player Friendly

Hello. If you are looking for a tight knit group to help you level and get into pre-raid gear we would love to have you. we are a casual PvP and raiding guild ready to take on all classic has to offer. we are composed of new players and old hands. we are putting a heavy focus on helping each other out and dungeon running in the early weeks to make sure everyone has a great leveling experience we already have a group of about 20 and are looking to fill our guild to around 60 members. all classes welcome. If you are interested I will get you into the discord
this guild is 18+ and a mature group of players. Raid times will be discussed at a later date but we are looking to try for 2 days a week between 6:00pm-10:00 pm Est but that"s not set in stone. if you are in a zone with a guild member who is getting Ganked. we will expect you to help them out. Thank you we hope to see you in Classic!!

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Join Amnesty! Some have been around since original Vanilla, hoping the relive the experience and gain plenty of friends along the way!

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The hype train is real!

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Nightly bump!

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bump for the day

Bump! Herod looks like the Streamer-Free place to be! HIT US UP!!