(Aman'thul)517 Mage LF Semi Casual Raiding Guild

Hello, I am Alysandra a currently frost mage (can play other specs but prefer frost) on Aman’thul that returned to the game a bit over a month ago and want to stick it out for TWW and the following 2 expacs.

I have been around the blocks a few times with various raiding experience through different expacs mainly in heroics and am currently looking for a raiding guild that is somewhat casual but still takes things seriously and aims to achieve AOTC and maybe dabbles in a boss or two on mythic.

Ideally raids early between the hours of 6 - 9PM AEST time or on weekends.

I also enjoy mythic+ and have spent most of my play time pugging keys.

Please contact me here or
Battle tag: Alysandra#1165
Discord: Alysandra9747

Thank you.

Hi there. Anarchy inc might be a good fit. We always achieve AOTC and do someM bosses for vault (not serious M raiders). We love to hang in disc and chill too.

We raid thu and Sun but it us from 7.30-10.30 server time… so might be abit too late for ya.

Hey Aly! Sent you a friend request on discord, I think Collusion might be a good fit for you. Look forward to hearing from you.

Hiya! Attempt is currently recruiting for raiders and m+ runners for our newly established guild.
Our raid runs from 6:30-10pm aest.

Chuck me a bnet add and message if you are interested MidGalaxy#3159