Well yeah, I imagine they expected to at least reach Wrath in terms of expansions.
But that isn’t my point. They were expecting players numbering in the low six figures if they were lucky, not to quickly rise to the millions. They didn’t expect it to really make much difference to those fewer numbers of people how many 1-20 zones the two factions “had” (after 20, everyone gets a bunch of contested zones so the issue effectively ends, even though effectively factions had their own “safe” leveling paths to levels 30), because ultimately that’s a small portion of the gameplay.
The problem, ultimately, is really the Barrens itself in Vanilla.
Cuz while humans get the Westfall-Redridge-Duskwood safety net, and while Wetlands is technically contested but with no Horde content (note: Night elves and Forsaken both have “safety zones” to level 20), the entire Kalimdor Horde had the Barrens, just the Barrens.
The three races of the Eastern Kingdom Alliance effectively can spread out throughout their leveling, while all three Kalimdor Horde are funnelled into that one zone, the Barrens. Every player who picked orc, troll or tauren is expected to share this zone, and it got awfully competative when waiting for quest spawns. This is ultimately why we had “Barrens Chat” because two of the most popular Horde races get funnelled here, and tauren too. And the alternative, the other continent, as soon as you’re done in Silverpine, it’s off to the bloody slaughter World PVP extravaganza of Hillsbrad, or… You can also go to the Barrens, because they have quests for another 10 of your levels. So even forsaken players would end up going there, just to avoid the bloodbath.
And unlike with the Alliance’s “safety leveling path,” the Barrens has a flight path the Alliance can utilize in Ratchet. And they can access the zone by boat from Booty Bay, also to Ratchet. And right down the road from Ratchet? Crossroads, the zone’s main town. Getting to the trifecta of Redridge-Westfall-Duskwood required Horde players crossing STV, then running/riding to which ever town they wanted to grief with no easy access, while Alliance could literally fly in from Darnassus or take a boat, and be roughly near the middle of the zone’s hub. Wanna go for Loch Modan or Menethil Harbor? Your journey starts in Arathi Highlands.
When Vanilla players complained about the number of zones per faction, it wasn’t about just the number. The Barrens was so huge that it would have been substantially less of an issue if it was just about how many zones each side had. But for reasons, the Barrens was unwittingly designed to be the easiest uncontested zone for the enemy faction to invade.
And this is still only 2004. Player behavior wasn’t as well-documented as it is today. I doubt the devs ever once would have thought to look at the Barrens and see the problems. Sure, three races are being shuffled into one zone, but it’s the single biggest zone in the game, approximately the size of two or three other zones. Plenty of space to mob-grind with some breaks to do a quest! And yeah, Alliance players can get there, but are people really gonna no-life camp a town that is a single flight point away from the Horde capital? No chance!!
So you have:
- Three races shoved into one zone.
- A zone-wide chat channel that becomes a thing unto itself, bringing in more people so they can experience it.
- The whole other faction easily able to get to this zone, with a nearby town to buy hunter arrows, repair broken gear, and its down the road from the major hub.
- The fourth Horde race unwittingly encouraged to also shuffle over here later in their leveling because the standard alternative is a BG before BGs were a thing.
And that all led to a massively congested, laggy Barrens. So people complain there aren’t enough Horde zones, not really because the number matters, but because they want a Barrens alternative.
TBC gave a third path for Horde with Ghostlands; even though the 20-30 “safety zone” problem returns, and blood elves are shuffled to either the Barrens or Hillsbrad, it’s largely irrelevant because world pvp has effectively died off entirely. Sure, Hillsbrad sees some fighting, but no more than any other contested zones. Crossroads still gets raided, but now it’s a sad batch of 1-5 people, struggling to handle the guards.
By TBC, arguably earlier with the introduction of battlegrounds (but that just lessened the issue really, TBC more or less fixed it), the problem effectively solved itself.
So this is part of why the devs messed up with Cataclysm. Because as we here on Story Forums know all too well, WoW players have never walked past a dead horse without beating it, and even if something gets resolved, people will still complain about it until their fingertips are bleeding from typing too hard. The problem of the Barrens Conjestion is over, but you’d never know it to look at anywhere people discuss WoW. And the nuance of the problem, the conjection, gets forgotten in favor of something you can measure against.
Alliance have 6 uncontested zones from 10-30 (Darkshore, Bloodmyst, Loch Modan, Westfall, Redridge, Duskwood) and the Horde only gets 3 (Barrens, Silverpine, Ghostlands)!! Alliance bias!!!
So the devs break up the Barrens to fix the congestion. They give the Horde Azshara and Hillsbrad (which funny enough still leaves them down by one, but the “Alliance Zone Bias” camp largely forgets that). Horde zones get extra attention across the board to make up for a problem that had basically solved itself.
As a result, the Alliance zones get far less attention.
New problem arises.
Well, that’s my Barrens / Horde Zone Imbalance speech. Thanks for attending my ALYNSATalk.