I’ts now the 2nd week into firelands and so far ive raided in firelands 5 seperate times now and I still don’t know the answer to this… After a player flies through the Blazing Power circle in the air, does the circle instantly despawn? or is there still time for the other player in the air to fly through? I know that the circle only lasts for 3 seconds once its spawned…but if 1 person flies through instantly and the other player is delayed by a second will they both still get the buff? do both players need to fly through EXACTLY the same time or do they both just have to make it through the circle within 3 seconds of it spawning? plez help, this has been confusing me since pull 1 on alyssrazor and we still have not downed the boss because 1 or both of our “air” players keep losing their buff.
You have about 0.5-1 second to go through it after the first person, so try to stay close and stacked.
That has been my experience anyway. Only done the flying once, was sick as a dog first FL lackout so i didnt raid.
you should group up before you start and then go. also wait a second until you get through the ring or sometimes you dont get credit
We had 2 people flying and I didnt notice this. Seemed to always be 3s.
Last night it was my ele sham and a fire mage going up, we ended up just not worrying about stacking at all and we told eachother we werent going to wait for the other one and we just turned it into a FFA in the air and we ended up both getting 25 stacks and we got alyssrazor down to 30% by the end of the first burst phase on the ground. Thanks for your responses guys!! it looks like it is just a solid 3 seconds within spawning for both players to fly through.